bonds of sea and fire

Jul 22, 2024 18:31

Three humans had Lilo the pomsky, which, unlike Sapphie, I can definitely see the pom part. When you’re with a dog, you’re just a human. Besides, one of them had a “genderfluid” letter bracelet along with a sun and moon t-shirt, stars drawn on checkerboad shoes, an insect earring, which makes me think they’re currently in the celestial gender aspect.

Elly, which may or may not be short for Elhaym but has black hair and not red, has earrings that are sun faces with angels or luna moths dangling from them and a necklace of black and blue beads. She had lips painted iridescent gold-green and green eyeshadow and I sometimes find myself wishing I could take an entire set of pens and pencils on trips with me. One of the nearby dogs really liked her.

Despite being Saturday, there weren’t any food trucks aside from Ben&Jerrys so I went to Black Seed Cafe.

Winter's Tale is referred to as a problem play, which is a nineteenth century term for the plays of Henrik Ibsen. It has comedic elements. It has tragic elements. But the only deaths are Antigonous and Maximillius and neither death is their own fault. It doesn’t have an antagonist really; Leontes is his own worst enemy here.

For whatever reason, Leontes, king of Sicily, where they still worship the old gods, thinks his wife is pregnant from an affair with Polyxenes, king of Bohemia. It just happens. Nobody tries to plant the idea in his head (see: Othello). Leontes asks Camillo to poison Polyxenes but instead he warns him and they both flee to Bohemia.
The Oracle tells him in plain words that Hermione’s child is his. Leontes is having none of it.
The child, named Perdita, is taken to the land of Bohemia, which, unlike Sicily, is always spring, to live or die on her homeland. Bohemia also has a coastline. Ahem. Antigonus exits, pursued by a bear. Then we get a scene with the Shepherd and the Clown finding the baby and informing us the bear caught up to Antigonus. He probably should have opened up his jacket to look really big. It went a lot like this:

Skip to 16 years later. Time shows up and narrates it for the benefit of the audience.
Autolycus, the Lone Wolf (and that is what his name more or less means) is the best.
They have a party where they’re all dressed like they’re at a rave.

Paula Plum and Richard Snee played the Peabodys on Home Movies.

I just assumed Hermione was pretending to be a statue. Which is why the statue depicts her sixteen years older than she was when Leontes last saw her.

Grace has short curly black hair dyed with magenta. She said she’d have picked a more interesting outfit had she known. She has a dog. They give her bandanas after she gets groomed and she devours them. Grace said she’s not yet cool enough to get a real tattoo. The hibiscus blossoms on her hand was henna or some sort of ink stamp, she’s not sure which. Grace isn't an artist but her brother is. When Grace got off, Irene sat in her seat. Irene was wearing a long-sleeved shirt so I couldn't tell if she had tattoos.

burning question: If we had a snowmobile, wouldn't it melt before summer?
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