
Mar 12, 2013 10:09

Today's Tokyo forecast:

UPDATE check also my update

 Tomorrow Yajiuma TV "Masaki Aiba new Cm"

Yoshimoto-log episode of VS Arashi shooting footage.

Hikyomono-san twitter at 09:41 today family game, check costume of regular cast including mother role! in the same time poster shooting is final. finally start shooting this week is determinate officially. final stage of various preparation.  at 17:29 sorry keep you wait. unveiling of information 2nd round of Family game is officially deteriminate tomorrow. sports newspaper, web site, and morning informaitonal show as well. this could be on air, at lease big news won’t come up. please check!  at17:59 tomorrow family game official web site opens as well. not only new casts, also sound people etc will be announced. please prepare your mind and internet as well.  at 21:09 before tomorrow announcement, feel palpitant. hope announcement will be done without problem at any rate.
Umezawa-san (Kaibutsu-kun special make up artist) blog thank you for all, it’s strange, I have not changed mail address.

3/29  music station 3hours special, Arashi appears

3/13 10:45& 3/20 04:10 NHK Pre map "Arashi bridge for tomorrow"

3/14 08:00-09:55 Morning Bird TVA Nino appears

yesterday pre-release of Platinum Data. Producer , the reason why Nino was appointed “about Ninomiya-san, I actually don’t like Ninomiya-san at variety show, as he loses his concentration too much. I actually had work with Arashi at My Girl etc, I was invited to their concert. it was Ninomiya-san who has big gap. I thought he could be suitable for double personality such as Kagura.” director “if you say double character, you might imagine like black and white such as Jekyll and Hyde. but in fact on and off is not clear, this is pretty high hudle to seek this to an actor naturally for long shooting. he must be talented after all. if he could not do it. I would shot turning “on and off” but I thought Ninomiya-kun would make it. he does various work as an actor in side of him to change personality, he is talented about this.” Q: this was pretty good as idole movie, director answered laughing: I didn’t shoot idol movie.

3/23 22:00-23:24 Arashi ni Shiyagare 90min special Aniki: Mitsuyoshi Uchimura. they challenge making short movie “short movie by Arashi for Arashi directed by Uchimura aniki” story “leader graduates”

Shimura zoo twitter this week Shimura zoo is 10th year special. cute footage of Pan-kun and deadly footage of Aiba-kun, the scene that you want to watch again!

Happisum (by Cyzo Woman) [chemistry with members] it’s Aiba-san who goes together at work. it has Pleasure and action signs, this implies that they go same path and share the pleasure. their work approach and characters might different, this character difference makes fine balance. the one who has good chemistry for private life is Ohno-san who has sign of sanctuary and rich harvest that express stability and richness. seems this is relationship to be relieved being together. Sakurai-san has sign of sun that expresses discovery and completion, Matsumoto-san has sign of gift that expresses chance and partnership. I can read members support Ninomiya-san in various sides. for Ninomiya-san it seems Arashi is very cozy environment. [romance] Ninomiya-san who has rumors with various girls. there’s rumor that he broke Nozomi Sasaki-san completely. I read current relationship with Sasaki-san. there’s sign of power and rich harvest, this means their affection still continues. the signs of possession that means fortune and collapse that means breakup also line up. however 2 are breakup, this means they could keep relationship because of work or their agencies. this is not breakup because love was weaken. woman type good for Ninomiya-san is signs of gift, harvest, people, decision, seems he get along with woman who has friendly kindness, inner mind power that never changes. [luck of 3 months] soon Platinum date release, his acting is praised as usual. I divine what kind of piece or role for next his career. as it has sign of start that means flame and rich harvest that means love, the person who express strong love makes him extended his talent. love romance is good, but love means not only that, maybe it’s better to challenge passionate teacher role. and also about his work it has sign of move that means change. it seems he challenge foreign piece in a proactive way. and also from April his MC show Nino-san starts. in this show his new image is sought. it has signs of unknown and sun. this can be work you can see new side of Ninomiya-san you have never seen, and this would be work with a lot of discoveries for Ninomiya-san.

 Oricon news popular group Arashi’s 40th single “Calling x Breathless” sold 756K copies for first week. got no.1 of weekly ranking of 3/18. this is all-time their personal best sales since their debut November 1999. this was an exploit to exceed 700K copies of single CD for male artist is after 6 years 11 month since Kat-tun’s Real Face (75.4 copies for first week sale) exceeding 700k copies of single sales for first week is first time for Arashi. so far first week sales 572K copies of “Hatenai Sora” (Nov 2011), album 753K copies of “All the BEST! 1999-2009” (Aug 2009) were their best. and consecutive numbers of year to get no.1 single since 2004, it becomes 10 years. this record is 6th group ever after B’s (20 consecutive years), Mr. CHildren (15 consecutive years) Kinki Kids (16 consecutive years) Glay (12 consecutive years), Ayumi Hamasaki (12 consecutive years) The number to get no.1 single is 29th consecutive pieces after PIKA★★NCHI DOUBLE (Feb 2004) and total 36th pieces. NTV news 24


22:00-22:04 Last Hope FTV ep.9 Masaki Aiba extreme what VIP that Takumi Hatano would be surprised was hospitalized was announced by Tetsuji Naruse. this is Kyoichiro Machida who established world class big company in one generation, a member of chair man of Japan Federation of Economic Organizations. Machida has refractory pancreas cancer, each section of hospital planed medical care by all-out fight, no solving method was found yet. that's why this was passed to high tech medical care center. soon after Takumi and other visit special room of Machida. Keisuke who is members of management of his company accompanies him. as Machida is not known this was cancer by his family request. Takumi and other provide medical care carefully. when Machida leave his room for medical check. they explain difficulty of operation to Keisuke, Keisuke asked to Takumi and other to get him back healthy body. at the conference, they discuss the medical care of Machida, while they can't find an effective measure, the last bit of hope was born by a word of Takumi. they call Keisuke and explain medical care plan. older son of Machida, Shinichi also attends. actually, Keisuke is adopted son. and Shinichi is blood son of Machida. but Shinchi has bad blood to Machida, he is not interested in medical case explanation by Takumi and other at all. in the end medical care plan of Takumi and other was accepted. but the hospital decided to have an operation by not at high medical care center but by all professionals by each section. Operation without Takumi and other was successful but after operation Machida's condition was suddenly changed. again Takumi and other were called....波多野卓巳(相葉雅紀)も驚くような超VIPが、特別室に入院している事が鳴瀬哲司(髙嶋政宏)から知らされた。一代で世界に誇る大企業を造り上げ、経団連の理事にも名を連ねる町田恭一郎(中原丈雄)だ。町田は難治性腫瘍の膵臓癌を患っていて各科を挙げての総力戦で治療プランを探ったが決定打が見つかっていない。そのため、高度先端医療センターに引き継がれたのだ。早速、卓巳たちは特別室に町田を訪ねる。次男で会社経営に加わる恵介(石田卓也)が付き添っていた。町田には家族の意向で癌であることが知らされていないため、慎重に言葉を選んで検査を促す卓巳たち。町田が検査のために病室を出ると、今度は恵介に手術の難しさを説明。恵介は町田を元の健康な体に治して欲しいと卓巳たちに頼んだ。カンファレンスでは町田の治療法を検討。有効な手段が見つからない中、卓巳の発言をきっかけに一縷の望みが生まれた。恵介を呼んで、治療プランを説明。町田の長男、真一(要潤)も同席する。実は、恵介は町田の養子で真一が血のつながった息子。だが、真一は町田にわだかまりを抱いているようで、卓巳たちの説明にも全く興味を示さない。結局、卓巳たちの治療プランは受け入れられた。しかし、病院側は高度医療センターではなく各科のプロフェッショナルを招集して手術することを決定。卓巳たちの手を離れた町田の手術は成功するが、術後、町田の容態が急変。再び卓巳たちが集められ…。

6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno Yokohama FM, “as I want to create figure. the other day as I wanted to visit atelier of Kaibutsu-kun special make up artist to ask him various material, I sent him mail. I sent him mail. returned mail soon after but ‘this address is unknown.’ I got mail new-year. I wondered why. phone was dropped in the sea and all of date is gone. as I thought hooray as I got mail from him new year. so this means. I have to do on my own. anyway, Ume-chan give me call. as I want to improve, let’s meet spring flowers bloom.” (I hope some one would send message to his blog)

VS Arashi


Josei Jishin, cover Kazunari Ninomiya

Bailla, interview with Kazunari Ninomiya


Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue. Hitachi ad at Tokyo JR Station, you can get Allegra booklet at drug store.

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