
Feb 26, 2013 09:57

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Platinum Data pre-release stage greeting by audiences. before greeting started Breathless was repeated playing. after watching the trailer the casts appeared. N: thank you for coming in spite of weekday. I could be a genius squeezing though. I cut my hair. this is a bit like a boy. but in the movie I properly acted. (about Toyokawa-san) "N: Toyoakawa-san is erotic not for special reason. we were a chaser and an escapee this become sort of a love story. / Kiko-san about most impressive scene K: my first scene was approaching to Ninomiya-san I was so nervous. but when I saw him, released the tense little by little. N: oh, was it rainy scene, right? K: ack? rain? N: not rain. it was gentle weather scene. (he doesn’t remember at all) the scene with Kiko-san Toyokawa: you are erotic as well. N: I think I take name of Toyoetsu junior. / after screening the movie, they appeared again. that whispering Platinum data scene, it was Nino who thought it. audiences: do it!!! Toyokawa-san got hyper. N: only such time, Toyokawa-san looks so fun.  Toyokawa-san let Nino turn back. and Nino whispers it turning around and grin. /jumping scene, Namase-san: this was fruit of VS Arashi, right? N: I don’t practice it for this!! / ending greeting N: please come to watch this again. confetti of silver tape was emitted. Namase: confetti on your head. N: do I? Nino bows having confetti on his head.

Daily Sports Kazunari Ninomiya (29) attended the pre-release of his starring Movie Platinum Data in Tokyo on 25, disclosed Ei.ji Toyokawa (50) real face. he was asked his feedback to co-star with Toyokawa “ he was erotic, his eros screw is broken, keeps leaking. he is a nodule of eros.” he says whatever he feels. Toyokawa isn’t outdone by him “as I have taught him various things” grins. Ninomiya “I take name of “Toyoetsu junior” he declares the eros character devolution. gorgeous character such as Honami Suzuki (46) An (26) lined up. 1600 fans attended to pre-release. most numerous number 100K people applied to pre-release. Suzuki evokes laugher “this is more previous ticket that wining Tokyo marathon.” (Tokyo marathon participation also by draw as well)  Sponichi Sanspo Hochi Cinema Today Ninomiya looks at audiences who watched pre-release “your faces are shiny. feel grateful. hope you feel something from this piece” he commented with satisfied face. Ninomiya who asked his feedback of movie. “I understand the story was like that” audience got eh? according to Ninomiya he read only his part of script. “I don’t know what other personas are doing. that’s why I realized (story) was like that.” An says she like  the scene that Ninomiya whispers “Platinum Data” at the beginning of movie, “I realized he says like that.” she was amazed. audiences call “please do!” Ninomiya shows the line, pleased fans until the end.

Platinum data twitter at 18:22 director, casts staff are having meeting, it’s soon. hope you welcome us with great eclat. at 18:53 stage greeting is held. actually these members are pompous. Nino-san and director cut their hair. looked gallant. at 20: 25 currently pre-release is screening, during this director and casts has condensed interview schedule. at 22:13 after the screening red carpet and stage greeting by surprise. beautiful scenery that canon and confetti drift down

Team Ohtomo (platinum data director) twitter at 17:30 pre-release of Platinum Data soon opening the venue. we are preparing having interview. all got excited. at 18:30 soon!

Sunny Spot GF twitter at 15:21 we took group photo in the sunny spot. all are in good smile pic.twitter.com/l3I4xg7RMh at 20:33 at today’s shooting there’re series of climax scene of Kosuke and Mao. staffs cried and smiled by acting of 2. photo is a cut of morning. camera loaded on the car. pic.twitter.com/QG88GrFvey today at 08:56 good morning. today Sumida chef cooked from morning. apple honey lemon. do our best for shooting warming out body with this. pic.twitter.com/LrTZMLivU1


05:25-08:00 Zip! NTV cool gesture of Kazunari Ninomiya二宮和也の粋な計らい

10:25-11:25 Pon! NTV Ninomiya 二宮&ローラくまモン

22:00-22:04 Last Hope FTV Masaki Aiba ep.7 at the last minute of ending of
afternoon clinical examination of high tech medical care center, Takumi Hatano asks Yukiyo Ogiwara to see his final patient of the day. he takes Yukiyo whonaturally refuse to his examination room with an iron grip. there’s KyokoNishimura who Yukio used to in charge of. this was kind act of Takumi who gotknow the situation, but Yukiyo feels anxious that Kyoko came to high techmedical care center. Kyoko develops acute myelocytic leukemia. she was told she doesn’t have much time left at another hospital. Takumi and Yukiyo have a talk the method of treatment, recommend cord blood transplant to Kyoko. but Kyoko was negative about the cord blood transplant as Yukiyo told honestly this need for long time hard treatment and this won’t be complete cure. she got sloppy attitude as she want to cut free from the rigors of treatment. Takumi cheers her to think about best treatment plan for Kyoko but… meanwhile, hospitalize Tae Sakazaki, her cultivation of cardiac stem cells progress at a good rate. this got implantable phase soon. Tae still concentrate to work as usual, as she severely find fault to Manami Yoshino at her patients room, Junji Takagi and other stop her. contrastingly Kyoko who is not interested in medical plan at all, loses her will to live. Takumi make a plan for Kyoko.高度先端医療センター、午後の診察終了間際、波多野卓巳(相葉雅紀) は自分が担当する本日最後の患者を荻原雪代(小池栄子)に診て欲しいと頼む。当然、嫌がる雪代を卓巳は半ば強引に自分の診察室に連れて行く。そこには雪代が以前、担当していた西村杏(谷村美月)がいた。事情を知った卓巳の計らいだが、雪代は杏子が高度先端医療センターへ来た事に不安を抱く。杏子は急性骨髄性白血病を発症し、他の病院で余命宣告をされていた。卓巳と雪代は治療方法を相談し、臍帯血移植を杏子に勧める。だが、杏子は長年の辛い治療と、100%完治の見込みがないと雪代たちが正直に告げる臍帯血移植に否定的。それどころか、早く治療の苦しみから逃れたいと投げやりになっていた。卓巳は杏子にとって一番良い治療プランを考えると、励ますのだが…。一方、入院中の坂崎多恵(石田ひかり)の心臓幹細胞の培養は順調に進み、間もなく移植可能という段階に入っていた。多恵は相変わらず仕事に熱中し、病室でも吉野万奈美(紺野まひる)にキツいダメ出しを行うため、高木淳二(田辺誠一)たちに心臓に負担がかかるとストップをかけられるほど。多恵とは対照的に、治療プランには全く興味を示さず、生きる意欲をなくす杏子。卓巳は、そんな杏子のために一計を案じる。

6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno Yokohama FM, “I used to eat crab with my family. My father likes crab but my mother doesn’t. every time we eat crab. she always say. “eating crab is good all get quiet.”


Tokyo Walker, cover: Masaki Aiba

-3/7 chase Ryuhei Kagura


Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue. Hitachi ad at Tokyo JR Station, JAL Arashi Jet in service, -1/24 Last Hope illumination, you can get Allegra booklet at drug store.

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