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@yamakaze0672 Last Hope
staff blog 2/28 21:00 “Tunnels no Minasan no Okagedeshita” “don’t like even though never tried to eat.” Masaki Aiba-san face off Mikako Tabe-san. which will win?Both talk and penalty game were fun
this week Shiyagre is Tsutomu Sekine, detailed maniac impersonation corps appears and fight against Matsujun for no special reason!?
Last Hope
ep.7 preview footage,
Takumi's sweets updated.
Dogatch VS Arashi on air 2/21 Athletes talent team with Nobuhiro Takeda, Ai Sugiyama who appears first time to this show and Peace as plus one guest of Arashi participate. Ninomiya says his opinion “Sugiyama-san is better for leader than Takeda.” but Takeda will full of motivation “we absolutely won’t lose!” then game starts, at “Jungle Bigo” that appears after long time guest team has tough time. if you make bigo opening one rank, this is high points, but they can’t open as they want. Arashi team, Sho Sakurai put CCD camera on his head. he declares “I dig in shooting rather than opening.” at Pin Ball Runner, Reiko Shioda as runner, Motoko Ohbayashi at navigator stage gives instruction in powerful loud voice, Shioda plays outstandingly. on the other hand Arashi team, Ninomiya as a runner, Jun Matsumoto and 2 of Peace at navigator stage, but Naoki Matasyoshi who has smallest voice in charge of pink ball for no special reason. can team work work out!? and at Jumping shooter, Shioda,Takeda and Ohbayashi as shooter, usually 2 shooters, as Takeda and Ohbayashi say this is hard for their age. 2 switch each 30 sec. keeper Yuji Ayabe for lower side. Ayabe who doesn’t have experience as goal keeper, can he stop shoot of guest team? and at Arashi team turn, Sakurai and Masaki Aiba as shooters. goal keepers are Sugiyama at lower side, and Miwa Asano at upper side. how is result of game against athletes?
Hochi Kazuanri Ninomiya of popular group Arashi challenges first time MC at NTV variety show “Nino-san” that starts from April (time is TBD). at this show Ninomiya challenge the projects presented by each 5 director by each week. 3 months trail. most excellent project will be the show this autumn. this is new completing to get regular show variety show. Ninomiya about the big roll such as first his show and MC “I hope I will not fail at try out.” he get fired up. Ninomiya has many variety show as group such as Arashi ni Shiyagare. this is first time he does MC individually for regular show. Ninomiya says “so pleased!! this is my real feeling, and this is also first MC and do it alone, this is plenty new things. will push myself as much as possible not to fail at try-out.” he prays this will be long-term show. at this show, 5 of NTV directors prepare 2 projects, challenge 10 project with Ninomiya as MC, promote most reacted episode as regular show. this is an experimental show. making team with winner director, and re-start as regular show from October, this was 2 phases variety show. Hiroshi Tanaka producer who appointed Ninomiya as MC. “as I do the show with Ninomiya-san, I felt his ability to handle” he explains reason to hire him. “he challenge the unprecedented projects, hope this show will that staffs pass on the face that Ninomiya-san has not noticed yet to the audiences.” Ninomiya who show like a flexible chameleon according to role as one of the best skilled actor of Johnny’s talent. as he got his own show, seems he shows various face at the variety show.
Oricon news this is total 10 episodes show that is based on different project at each episode. this autumn, regular show is determinate.
Sponichi < Kazunari Ninomiya first his show. first individual MC “so pleased.”> each 2 projects by 5 NTV directors are implemented. 10 episodes will have trial air, and selected project will be on regular show from October.
Sanspo Daily Sports Nikkan Sports <”Nino-san” in late night, first Kazunari Ninomiya show> middle-ranking of 30’ 5 director are selected who are in charge of Arashi ni Shiyagare, Guruguru Nity Nine etc
Mainichi Digital participants director is Ryuta Agari director of” Arashi ni Shiyagare”, Hidemi Uchino director of “Sekai no Hatemade Itte Q” Daisuke Nasu of “Guruguru Ninety Nine”, Kazuaki Hashimoto director of “Hirunandesu”, Hideki Miyamori director of “Star draft congress”.
Locked Room FTV repeat Satoshi Ohno ep.11 (repeat)
VS Arashi FTV Athelete Talent parcipate. Nobuhiro Takeda out of control! Sugiyama screams at Reiko Shioda vs Ninomiya fierce running battle! Miwa Awawo '& Daisuke Ohbata challenge kick! Sakurai got excited by extra highly-charged final of Peace & Ohno アスリートタレント参戦で武田修宏大暴走!潮田玲子VS二宮激走対決で杉山愛絶叫!浅尾美和&大畑大介キックに挑戦!ピース&大野の超緊迫ラストに櫻井大興奮!
21:56-22:00 soon
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
2/21 10:00-10:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Kazunari Ninomiya and Sho Sakurai Yuriko Yoshitaka appears to share house. they serve Yoshitaka favorite hog hot pot. forbidden real face. Yuriko Yoshitaka appears at Arashi share house. Sho Sakurai and Kazunari Ninomiya ask about atmosphere of Yoshitaka room and how to spend her day off. and DVD with title of “forbidden tip-off movie” was delivered, entertainers who get along with Yoshitaka give away unknown her real face. at hosting menu, they cook Yoshitaka favorite hog hot pot.▽嵐シェアハウスに吉高由里子が登場▽おもてなしメニューで吉高の好きな“猪熊鍋”を振る舞う▽禁断の素顔「嵐シェアハウス」に吉高由里子が登場。櫻井翔と二宮和也は、吉高の部屋の雰囲気や休日の過ごし方などを質問する。また、“禁断の訳ありタレコミ動画”と題したDVDが届き、吉高と仲の良い芸能人が彼女の知られざる素顔を暴露。おもてなしメニューでは、吉高が好きな“猪熊鍋”を作ることに。Yuriko Yoshitaka appears at section of Arahsi share house, hold holds hog and bear hot pod party! and Shuntaro Miwao from Ballet industry, Kendo Kobayashi, from comedy industry appear to Mannequin Must Item for the first time. Yoshitako who appears Arashi share house, bursts unaccountable world. Kazuanri Ninomiya who co-stared at movie, as they have known, they were relaxed mood. but Sho Sakurai is muddled up, as she is unintelligible however he talks to her several times. they close up real face of mystery Yoshitaka. he asks one question after another. Meanwhile tip-off DVD from her close friend is delivered, unknown her weak point got on exposure. and Yoshitaka who is into gourmet web site holds hog and bear hot pod party . while waiting hot pot, they challenge game, loser does impersonation but…. and at “Mannequin Must Item” with theme of dawn jacket, young genius fast soloist of ballet industry Shuntaro Miyao appears to Mannequin for the first time. Miyao who trained in France, he boasts he is confidence in fashion. his sense is tested. and Kando Kobayashi appears to Mannequin for the first time. and Denpe of Sakaist who appears 2nd time participate. which mannequin is true fashionable mannequin!? 2月21日(木)放送の『ひみつの嵐ちゃん!』(TBS系)は、「嵐シェアハウス」のコーナーに女優・吉高由里子が登場、“猪熊鍋”パーティを開催! そして、バレエ界から宮尾俊太郎、お笑い界からケンドーコバヤシが「マネキンマストアイテム」に初登場する。 「嵐シェアハウス」に登場の吉高は早速、不思議ワールドを炸裂させる。映画で共演経験のある二宮和也は旧知の仲でほのぼのムードだが、一方の櫻井翔は、何度話してもどんな人なのかイマイチつかみきれないと戸惑う。そこで、謎が多い吉高の素顔に迫ろうと、次々と質問を投げかけることに。そんな中、吉高と仲が良いというある人物から、タレこみ情報が入ったDVDが届き、彼女の知られざる弱点が暴露される。さらに、グルメサイトにはまっているという吉高の大のお気に入り“猪熊鍋”で鍋パーティを開催。鍋が出来るのを待つ間、なぜかゲームに挑戦して、負けた人がモノマネをすることになるのだが……。 また、“ダウンジャケット”がテーマ、今回の「マネキンマストアイテム」には、バレエ界の若き天才ファーストソリスト・宮尾俊太郎マネキンが初登場。フランスでの修業経験がある宮尾は、オシャレには自信があると豪語する、そのセンスが試される。さらに、ケンドーコバヤシもマネキン初登場、ほか、2回目の登場となるサカイスト・デンペーも参戦。真のオシャレマネキンはいったいどのマネキンなのか!?
Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno Yokohama FM, talking about painting. “I currently do in living tool, put it corner of table. as I paint I put painting on the wall, then I paint, I stand painting. on the floor there’re paints, pallet, brushes are scattered. paste it on the wall, the floor underneath, tiny chair and small table are installed then I wallow in. however I clean up, soon after it gets dirty soon, so currently so dirty, don’t clean. laundry, I just keep hanging out. don’t pile them any more. so my room got really dirty. there’s no place to sleep on the floor.I currently sleep on the bed. well I think I can sleep at any place. as living become an atelier, when I go sleep, sleep relaxingly at bed. what is lack to me now is clearing up. throw small dust, have to clean up.”
Tokyo Calandar, cover: Masaki Aiba, Platinum data movie introduction.
Flix, cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
SCREEN , interview: Kazunari Ninomiya
Monthly Gurutto Chiba, Platinum data movie introduction.
chase Ryuhei Kagura CHECK
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue. Hitachi ad at Tokyo JR Station, JAL Arashi Jet in service, -1/24 Last Hope illumination, you can get Allegra booklet at drug store.
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