Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
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@yamakaze0672 updated at first critical articles.
Tomorrow Mezamashi TV “Arashi and Maki Horikita as Kohaku MC”
Nagasaki local TV, interview with Sado-san conductor. he talks about 24h TV Jun-kun’s conduction “I have never be touched like even among famous performers performances or world known orchestras I conducted. after all Matsujun is amazing. if Matsujun comes conductors industry, I will be in trouble. as he will get my work. (grin)
Kohaku web site updated.
MC site updated.
Nathalie MC of 63th NHK Kohaku song festival that on ari 12/31 is determinate. Maki Horikita as red team MC, Arashi as white team MC. general MC is appointed to Yumiko Udou announcer. this year Kohaku that marks 63th time, theme is “want to meat you with song.” today at field of NHK hall, MC announcement was held and Horikita, Arashi & Udou announcer appeared on stage. Horikita who appointed to MC as she did heroine of NHK serial drama “Ume-chan sensei”. Horikita was nervous for first Kohaku MC. by contrast, Arashi members who does MC for 3 times this year. each said “can’t believe we does MC for 3 consecutive years!” and they said strongly their enthusiasm. Masaki Aiba “hope to do my best for best closing of a year.” Sho sakurai “this year Japan united one through Olympic games. hope I can help that Japan will be one through songs at year-end.” as last year white team lost, Satoshi Ohno “this year white team will won and I want to hold championship flag again.” and he was pointed out by Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matsumoto who sat next to him. when they requested message Horikita said “I relay on you.” members of Arahsi”we co-stared with Horikita-san with various show, I think we have good chemistry. want to warm up with 6” talked like senior.
Sanspo Mainichi digital Masaki Aiba-san said “can’t believe we do 3 times. will do my best to make best close of year.” Jun Matsumoto-san pleased surprising “never twice without three times” Press conference held at NHK hall outdoor venue that was first ever for Kohaku history. members of Arashi and Maki Horikita-san attended. Horikita-san said “as Arashi is 3rd time MC, I relay on them.” asked “do you get nervous?” Aiba answers “I do. I was so nervous when I introduce song of Saburo Kitajima-san. you get really nervous.” he looked back. Jun Matsumoto-san “I think if you are alone you get nervous. we are 5, including Horikita-san, we are 6. if you talk to other, I think everyone’s tension clears up.” he advised. this year theme is “Nippon la la la want to meet you with song.” when they asked people you want to meet. Aiba-san “this year at London Olympic games I got sensation, Kohei Uchimura (gymnast) etc. want to meet them to hear that time situation. “ Satoshi Ohno-san “I met them after Olympic games, but I want to see them again.” they yearn medallists appearance. Matsumoto-san “as this is NHK, I want to aspect of Ume-chan sensei” Horikita-san “I think this could be fine.” agreed readily. reason of selection, Horikita-san was sympathetic whole Japan by her cheerful smile and never give up hope though heroin of serial drama. Arashi made smash hit of CD and DVD and they are flourished individually. and they do restriction aid or East Japan earthquake disaster. these received recognition.
Model Press Maki Horikita discloses “I got offer beginning of September. Arashi appeared in white tuxedo. Jun Matsumoto pleased “you say ‘never twice without three times’ but I didn’t expected we can do this for 3 consecutive years. so I ‘m pleased.” leader Satoshi Ohno “want to cheer wonderful artists. this year white team win and want to hold championship flag!” Horikita asked “do get nervous?” Aiba said promptly “yes you get nervous. however I did twice I got nervous. last year as well at introduction of song of Saburo Kitajima-san, I was so nervous.” answered with bitter smile and evokes laughter.
YOmiuri Daily sports Masaki AIba “can’t believe we do MC for 3 times. I’m pleased. we do our best to make best closing of year.” as last year white team lost, Satoshi Ohno “I do my best it’d be me to hold championship flad.” Jun Matsumoto pointed out “by your self?” Ohno “I want to hold with all.” he corrected.
Nikkei Sponichi Hochi NTV 24 news Internet TV guide Kazunari Ninomiya “this is closing year. hope to do our best for new year start.” question about who want to meet at Kohaku “Kouhei Uchimura-san artistic gymnast” (Masaki Aiba) etc. Olympic medallist name came up, but Jun matsumoto “hope Ume-chan sensei comes as well.” Horikita “if you request, I will be look of Ume-chan.” Horikita asked “how do you do not to be nervous.” Aiba “I was so nervous at introduction of Saburo Kitajima-san’s song. get nervous however I do several times. “ he threw up his honest feeling. Matsumoto said “ if you are alone, you get nervous a lot. hope you think you do with 6 of us.” he advised. Ohno “I kept being nervous. this end passing like a flash.” he show senior attitude.
10/25 Himitsun no Arashi-chan, never-seen video special. when 5 were relax at share house. delivery came, they receive mysterious envelop. when they check in side. there’re 3 DVDs. this written “forbidden for reasons” what is shocking footage that even Arashi watches for the first time!?
Toretate Fuji TV message of Jun Matsumoto “ as it was really fun site, I’m so happy to have chance to act Shuntaro. this time script book by Yumiko Inoue who I have worked for long time. Matsuyama director who created piece with originality. I look forward to what kind of piece this will be. this time as well I want to make a piece with laugh, action, sense of speed. can’t wait to go to Lucky detective office and look forward to seeing these members again..Story: this mission is uncover real identity of genius economist’s secretary Mizuki Kurihara. all the men who related with her went on the skids. Shunrato impersonates as a young businessman second-generation restaurant management to approach her, this mission was successful. she showed amiable feminine natural face in front of Shuntaro. Shuntaro forgot his mission, he was fascinated by her . 2 are fallen in love. but this was just her trap. meanwhile Amamo who seems to direct Mizuki (Oikawa) he cast suspicion on financial crime etc, no one can come at this core part even police. then, life of weak came in risk one to another by crime of Amano.Toko who tries to uncover Amano’s face of behind-the-scenes. she puts illegal mission into effect for strongest smart criminal.
Lucky seven twitter 06:12 back after long sleep. me Lucky Seven official account, Shalo-kun. how are you doing, everybody? at 06:14 the reason why I’m back, you must already know. right, Lucky Seven is back as special drama. at 06:19 the ones who will be back are 7 of North Shinagawa Lucky Detective Office, Shunrtaro, Nitta, Asuka, Kayano, Tsukushi, Junpei, Toko president! against genius economist acted by Mitsuhiro Oikawa, diabolical charm secretary acted Satomi Ishii-san. what will happen? at 06:23 this special start shooting from 10/13 (Sat) and on 14 (Sun) shooting of aggressive combat scene shooting. seems this time as you can expect action too. at 06:29 so today all what I can tell is this. hope you look forward to my report. please support us again.
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Cut magazine on the cover “Kazuanri Nionmiya Platinum data shooting site fastest interview”
blog seeks question to Nino for serial Secret of Arashi. due date is noon 10/22
Sanspo Monday 9 drama Lucky Seven Jun Matsumoto (29) of Arashi stared and aired this January season, this will be back as special drama. this is story that 7 unique characters of detective office work difficult case. not only action scene with his co-worker role Eita (29) but also comical interaction with Nanako Matsushima (39) Yo Ohizumi (39) Risa Naka (22) etc came to topical. this got top audience rate of the season. marked 15.6%. at this special version Satoshi Ishihara (25) and Hitsuhiro Oikawa (42) appear. 7 face off against genius economist who is key figure of financial crime (Oikawa) and his secretary who has diabolic charm (Ishihara). the story setting is that Tokita acted by Matsumoto approaches to secretary to uncover inside of the case but got a romantic interest. Tokita repeats date being bombarded with this risky charm of secretary, interaction of 2 could be noteworthy. they started shooting on 13. Matsumoto got fired up fully “this time as well want to make a piece with laugh, action, full of a sense of speed.” Ishihara who co-stars with Matsumoto after 10 years says “I hope enjoying acting with Matsumoto-san after long time. I don’t have role such as cool and mysterious, I want to do my best with fresh feeling.”
Nikkan Sports the role Ishihara act is diabolical woman who leads man-about-town, Shuntarato around by the nose. there’re scenes 2 at date. Ishihara who act with Matsumoto after 9 years. “remember I was nervous such as shaking hands. I still feel nervous. hope enjoy acting.” this is suspense story with laugh written by Yumiko Inoue. (Black bord script writer) Matsumoto talks “I’m so glad to get such privilege to act Shuntaro again.”
The Television < Jun Matsumoto starring drama Lucky Seven become special drama!> Lucky seven is back with special drama and familiar members Eita, Risa Naka, Yo Ohizumi, Nanako Matsushima and other gathered again. this time Lucky detective office face is genius economist Amano and his secretary Mizuki Kurihara. this is investigation object of Shuntaro acted by Matsumoto. Satomi Ishihara as his love partner Mizuki, MItsuhiro Oikawa as strongest enemy genius economist. Shunrato impersonates as young businessman second-generation restaurant management to approach Mizuki in order to uncover her real identity of diabolic woman, all men related with her went on the skids. But he was fascinated by Mizuki who shows amiable feminine natural face. 2 are fallen in love. this was a trap by Mizuki. Meanwhile Amamo who seems to direct Mizuki (Oikawa) he cast suspicion on financial crime etc, no one can come at this core part even police. Toko who tries to uncover Amano’s face of behind-the-scenes. she puts illegal mission into effect… this is story. about special drama, Matsumoto says “as it was really fun site, I’m so pleased to have privilege to act Shuntaro again. this time as well I want to make a piece with laugh, action and full of sense of speed.” Eita “when serial drama was over I didn’t know this comes to special drama yet. I was pleased this come to special drama. this time it has action, this will be drama as special drama very Lucky Seven. please look forward to it.”
Nikkan Sports MC of this year NHK Kohaku song festival determinate as white team as Arashi and red team as Maki Horikita (24). Arashi is 3 consective years. Arashi does fullfilled music activities as group. they certainly appears as singer. Horikita acted heroin at NHK serial drama “Ume-chan sensei” this drama become popular drama that got over 20% audience rate after 9 years. Horikita must be symbol of NHK of this year.
Sanspo MC of this year NHK Kohaku song festival determinate unofficially as white team as Arashi and red team as Maki Horikita (24). this will be announced soon. Horikita co-stared with members of Arashi, Sho Sakruai (30) Kazunari Ninomiya (29) Jun Matsumoto (29) at drama and movie. they would warm up the show making combination.
Hochi popular group Arashi a and Maki Horikita is determinate unofficially MC of Kohaku song fest on 15. on 16 press conference could be planned.
Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue.
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