4/23 21:00-22:54
Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno ep.2 Kei Enomoto visited to Aiichiro Aida who says his nephew is dead with Junko Aoto and Tsuyoshi Serizawa. his nephew Daiki was judged as suicide by CO intoxication by briquette of coal in his room. Aida says that Taiki would have never committed suicide leaving his sister Miki. the day Taiki was dead,Aida came to Takasawa family calling by Takasawa who is father in low of brother and sister and science teacher of junior high school. Miki knocked door in front of Daiki’s room. it was locked no answer from inside. and Takasawa opens hole avobe door nob by electric drill and insert tool from there, finally locked was open. but clearances of door and window were tape by vinyl tape. when door was open, they heard unstuck sound, in the room chips of paper tape were kicked up. in the room. it has letters made by paper tape “Good-bye”, Diaki was dead in the room. Brothers and sister who lost their mother 3 years ago, they was raised by Takasawa, Aida doubt if he must be killed by Takasawa in order to get a large inheritance. Enomoto felt uneasy, the tape closed door was not paper tape, it was vinyl tape. If criminal is Takasawa, how he tape locked door and window from inside? Enomoto, Junko, Serizawa think about possible methods, but non of these were inspiration. but Enomoto thought it must had trick that used science-intensive….
芹沢豪(佐藤浩市)を訪ねてきた。甥の大樹は、自室で練炭による一酸化炭素中毒で死亡し自殺とされたが、会田は大樹が妹・美樹(福田麻由子)を残して死ぬとは思えないと言う。大樹が死亡した日、会田は兄妹の継父で、中学校の科学教師・高澤(髙嶋政宏)からの連絡で高澤家にやって来た。大樹の部屋の前では美樹がドアを叩くが、鍵がかかりなかからの反応もない。そこで、高澤が電動ドリルでドアノブの上に穴を開けた。その穴から会田が工具を差し入れ、ついに鍵は開いた。しかし、ドアと窓には隙間を埋めるように内側からビニールテープが貼られ、ドアを開ける際、ベリベリとテープがはがれる音がし、室内では紙テープの切れ端が舞い上がったという。壁には、紙テープで綴られた「サヨナラ」という文字があり、ベッドでは大樹が死亡していた。 3年前に母親を亡くした兄妹は高澤に育てられていたが、多額の遺産を受け継ぐため高澤に殺されたのでは、と会田は疑っていた。 榎本は、ドアと窓を密封していたのが、ガムテープではなくビニールテープだったことが気にかかった。仮に高澤が犯人だったとして、施錠された窓やドアの内側からどうやってテープを貼ったのか、榎本は、純子、芹沢と可能な方法を考えるがどれも決定打にはならない。しかし、榎本はそこに科学を駆使した仕掛けがあるはずだと思い…。
4/23 13:55- Bond of falling star (repeat) TBS ep.6 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/23 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
4/24 13:55- Bond of falling star (repeat) TBS ep.7 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/25 13:55- Bond of falling star (repeat) TBS ep.8 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/26 13:55- Bond of falling star (repeat) TBS ep.9 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/26 16:00-16:53
Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba ep.2 (repeat)
4/26 19:00-19: 56
VS Arashi FTV fight against Space brothers, Shun Oguri, Masaki Okada. movie Space brother team (release on 5/5) with Shun Oguri Masaki Oktada and others. at Kicking sniper, Oguri got fired up "at drama with Ninomiya-kun I was role called Ahn Jung-Hwan of Togoshi, so I do my best" Okada who says target goal "I recently started football, I'm confident" 小栗旬,岡田将生ら映画“宇宙兄弟チーム”とゲームで対決井上芳雄 笠原秀幸 トータルテンボスほか小栗旬、岡田将生ら映画「宇宙兄弟」(5/5[土]公開)チームが登場。「キッキングスナイパー」では、小栗が「僕、二宮(和也)くんとやってたドラマで“戸越のアン・ジョンファン”と呼ばれる役だったんで、頑張ります!」とやる気十分。「最近サッカーを始めて自信あります」という岡田と、的を狙う。
4/26 22:06-23:00
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Jun Matsumoto Kazunari Ninomiya Aya Ueta to Arshi Share House
4/27 13:55- Bond of falling star (repeat) TBS ep.10 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/27 21:00-23:24 Friday Cinema, NTV Gantz PA, Kazunari Ninomiya
4/27 25:28-25:38 London Heat NTV Sho Sakurai
Circle of 21,ETV final (repeat) Masaki Aiba
4/27 26:33-26:43 26:03-26:13 prefect in late night Mystery of Holmes a calico cat (3) NTV Masaki Aiba
4/28 05:30-08:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV Masaki Aiba Tadayoshi Ohkura collaboration Zoom in Sat x calico cat. 相葉雅紀・大倉忠義「ズムサタ」と「三毛猫」がコラボ!
4/28 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 新コーナー!タカトシペットショップにはローラが来店!天然ボケ連発のローラに動物たちが驚きの行動を!
4/28 21:00-21:54
Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba ep.3 cat is gone!? prisoner in old castle murder tour 猫消失!?古城監禁殺人ツアー Yoshitaro who got award as he arrested a wanted person by grace of Holmes. Kurihara recommend him to going to trip as reward. but actually this was mission of body guard to accompany president of company, Kazuya’s trip. in order not to not to be found out he is a detective, Hiroshi and Harumi accompany him. and Ishizu joined them when they noticed. ホームズのおかげで指名手配犯を捕まえて賞をもらった義太郎(相葉雅紀)に、ご褒美だと言って課長の栗原(石坂浩二)が旅行を勧める。だが、実際は会社社長・和哉(山口馬木也)の旅行中のボディーガードという任務で、刑事と悟られないようヒロシ(藤木直人)と晴美(大政絢)も同行することになる。そして気付くと、石津(大倉忠義)まで一行に加わっていた。 Yoshitaro arrested a wanted person by grace Holmes, and got award by police, invited to old castle in style of European medieval style as reward from Kurihara. when he prepare trip excitingly, Hiroshi and Harumi told him the reason for invitation to old castle is for guard president Kazuya Nagae and his family. Yoshitaro surpsied. and 2 of brother and sister and Ishizu detective accompany him. when they arrived to castle. father of Kazuya appeared from unpeaceable atmosphere. the reason why Nagae family gather is to find a criminal of homicide that HIdeya's fiancé, Tomomi was filled. All of Nagae family say entirely denied. Yoshitaro who feels confused, and tried to ask for assistance to Holmes as usual but, Holmes who is bad mood doesn't listen to Yoshitaro at all. Meanwhile, one of Nage family, Yoshie was foud by dead body…. and in the same time only one road to castle was blocked by explosion, Yoshitaro and other got to ally isolated. can Yoshitaro solve the homicide in the old caste? ホームズの力で指名手配犯を逮捕し警察から表彰された
栗原(石坂浩二)からのご褒美と称して中世ヨーロッパ風の古城へ招待される。 ウキウキと旅の支度をしていると、
晴美(大政絢)から その古城への招待は栗原の知人であり財閥の社長・永江和哉(山口馬木也)と その一家の警護をすることが目的だと告げられる。驚く義太郎。 しかも二人の兄妹と
石津刑事(大倉忠義)も同行することに。 城へ到着すると、何やら不穏な空気の中から和哉の父・英哉(榎木孝明)が現れ、 今回永江家の一同を集めた理由は、 2年前に英哉の婚約者・智美(春日井静奈)が殺された事件の犯人を探し出すためだと語る。 勿論、身に覚えは無いという永江家の一同。 戸惑う義太郎はいつもの様にホームズに頼ろうと助けを求めるが、 なぜか不機嫌なホームズは全く義太郎の言うことを聞いてくれない。 そんな中、永江家の一人、有江(北川弘美)が死体で発見されてしまう……。 そして同時に一本しかない城までの道が爆発によって塞がれ、完全に孤立してしまう義太郎たち。 古城で起こる殺人事件を義太郎は解決できるのか――。
4/28 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV This week Guest is actor Naoto Fujiki. Brain battle of Arashi and intellectual actor Fujiki who graduated from science and engineering departments of Waseda university. at opening, cards of Baseball game “Owner’s league” that Fujiki is currently get into appear as souvenir. at rumor section “it seems he got married over 20 times” “it seems it’s fine to have sex if it is Ichiro” ▽ “Fight with disentanglement puzzle!” recent brain training boom, disentanglement puzzle attract attention. at first brain battle Arashi and VS Fujiki is held. at studio “9 series of circles” that Zhuge Liang invented, oldest and most difficult disentanglement puzzle in the world, and various disentanglement puzzles appear to studio. Arashi and Fujiki start battle with easy one at fist. and chellange more difficult one accordingly.▽ “Find Error!” once set is spins, the set of popular game “find erro” of Magical brain power”. Second brain battle is this “find error”, battle is held by footage quiz. who can find high point error? in the end after 2 battle. Fujiki pick MVP among Arashi!今週のアニキゲストは、俳優・藤木直人。早稲田大学理工学部卒の頭脳派俳優・藤木と嵐が頭脳バトルを繰り広げる!オープニングではお土産として、藤木が今ハマっているという野球ゲーム「オーナーズリーグ」のカードが登場する。また噂話のコーナーでは、「結婚を20回以上したらしい」「イチローにだったら抱かれてもいいらしい」など藤木に関するウワサが飛び出す。▽「知恵の輪対決しやがれ」最近の脳トレブームもあり、今注目を集めている知恵の輪。まずはこの知恵の輪で藤木vs嵐の頭脳バトルを行う。スタジオには諸葛孔明が開発したといわれる世界最古にして最難関の知恵の輪「九連環」を初め、様々な種類の知恵の輪が登場。嵐と藤木はまずは簡単なレベルのものからバトルをスタート。徐々に高難易度のものにチャレンジしていく。▽「エラーを探しやがれ」セットが回転すると、「マジカル頭脳パワー!!」の人気ゲーム「エラーを探せ」のセットが登場。セカンド頭脳バトルはこの「エラーを探せ」で映像クイズ対決を行う。果たして、高得点のエラーを探すことができるのは誰か。2つのバトルを終えたラストでは、藤木が嵐の中からMVPを決定する!
4/29 9:30-10:00 Japan Countdown TVT Arashi latest PV嵐の最新PV
4/30 15:52-16:50 Locked room digest FTV, Satoshi Ohno これまでの放送からつまみ見!
4/30 21:00-22:54
Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno ep. 3 homicide of wel-known Shogi player happened at hotel. Enomoto solves closed room mystery. Kei Enomoto came to hotel with Junko Aoto, and Kono detective room where professional Shogi player, Yuzo Takewaki was killed. this is business hotel, Takwaki was stabbed in his bag and fallen head to door. the site is closed room that windows and door are locked also by chain. in the room portable Shogi table, book of Shogi, Shogi newspaper, unfinished coffee cup. Enomoto asked to staff if dead body was touched door when door was opened, staff gives evidence as it was locked by chain, it was not reached to dead body. then Naoko Kusuru, female 3rd level player came. Kono shows things left behind such as wallet to Naoko, a Takwaki’s lover. Naoko moved a piece. Junko got excited as she got to know she is lately topical Shogi player, the pass her name card, and explained “we work on as her boss Serizawa was consulted legal matter from Takwaki, so we cooporate investigation this time.” Later league game aiming for promote female level 4 started, Naoko move ahead. as beauty player won, media’s attention is focus to Naoko. Shigeya Nakao level 4 player who watched this and leaked “after death of Takewaki, Naoko’s popularity increase, master Dokushima (actually this acted by Yusuke Takshi, original novel writer) who has 8 consecutive championships would look blurred, I feel sorry for him.” Still profile of criminal came up. Enomoto and Junko visited professional Shogi player Jiro Tani level 8 player. Tani gives evidence “ there are stink of people who blame Takewaki, Dokushima is one of there.” Enomoto who heard this….
青砥純子(戸田恵梨香)と刑事・鴻野(宇梶剛士)とともに、プロ棋士・竹脇伸平五段(ゆうぞう)が殺害されたホテルの一室にやってきた。そこはビジネスホテルで、竹脇は背中を包丁で一突きにされドアを頭にして倒れていたという。現場は、窓もドアも施錠されチェーンまでかけられた密室で、室内には携帯用の将棋盤、棋書、将棋新聞、飲みかけのコーヒーカップが残されていた。榎本は、部屋を開けた時ドアが遺体に触れたかどうかを遺体発見者のスタッフに尋ね、スタッフはチェーンがかかっていたため遺体までは届かなかったと証言した。 そこへ、来栖奈穂子女流三段(相武紗季)が入ってきた。鴻野は竹脇の恋人だという奈穂子に遺留品の財布などを見せていると、奈穂子は将棋盤にあった駒をひとつ動かした。 奈穂子が最近話題の女流棋士だと知った純子は盛り上がる。そして名刺を差し出すと、自分の上司・
芹沢豪(佐藤浩市)が竹脇から法律相談を受けていた関係で、今回の事件の捜査協力をすることになったと説明した。 その後、女流四段昇格をかけたリーグ戦がはじまり奈穂子が勝ち進む。美人棋士の勝利とあって報道陣の注目も奈穂子に集まる。その様子を見ていたプロ棋士・中野秀哉四段(忍成修吾)は、竹脇の死後ますます奈穂子の人気が高まり、竜王戦で八連覇を成し遂げた毒島薫竜王(貴志祐介)がかすんでしまい気の毒だ、と漏らした。 依然、犯人像が浮かび上がってこないなか、榎本と純子はプロ棋士・谷二郎八段(児玉頼信)を訪ねると、谷は竹脇を恨んでいる人間は腐るほどいて、毒島もそのひとりだと証言。それを聞いた榎本は…。
4/30 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
5/1 15:55-16:53
Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba ep.3 repeat
5/3 19:00-20:54 completely copy! championship of masterpiece dance, NTV handsome 5 guys copy completely Arashi dance. イケメン5人が嵐のダンスを完全コピー
5/3 19:00-19: 56
VS Arashi FTV “Rainbow color Jean” team Tomomitsu Yamaguchi, Garage Sale, Becky,Ai Haruna 山口智充,ガレッジセール,ベッキーら“にじいろジーン”チームと対決!▽(秘)ゲストは?ほか はるな愛 Naoto Inti Rymi participate first time, burst kick! Becky discloses then Aiba got red face! uphill fight of Tomomitsu Yamaguchi then Ai Haruna find fault in his work…. fierce attack of Matsujun and Sakurai to Garage Sale! Shocking ending. ナオト・インティライミ初参戦でキック炸裂!ベッキー(秘)話暴露で相葉赤面!山口智充大苦戦ではるな愛ダメ出し…ガレッジセールに松潤&櫻井が猛攻撃!劇的ラスト
5/3 no
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
5/4 20:00-21:48 Music Station, TVA Arashi held questionnaire by artist. they perform medley including new tune▽アーティスト別に好きな曲を緊急アンケート▽新曲を含めたスペシャルメドレーを披露(予定される出演者)aiko 嵐 パフューム Mr.チルドレン ゆず 司会・タモリほか
5/4 25:28-25:38 London Heat NTV Sho Sakurai Sho
5/4 26:03-26:13 prefect in late night Mystery of Holmes a calico cat (4) NTV Masaki Aiba
5/5 21:30-22:43
Circle of 21, a year of children who live in the earthquake disaster (draft) NHK
5/5 no
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV
5/5 21:00-21:54
Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba ep.4
5/5 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV The Magnificent Ten, strongest cooking corp appear. fight against Arashi, which one will win!?荒野の十人しやがれ▽最強料理人軍団が登場!▽嵐と料理対決を▽勝つのはどっちか!?
5/6 19:00-25:54 Akan Police 2 hours special, FTV Satoshi Ohno “incident of bad but yummy, the my own way to eat” Satoshi Ohno of Arashi また人気の「アカンけど美味しい!私だけの食べ方事件」は嵐の大野智、EXILEの妹分であるE-Girlsのメンバー、ゴールデンボンバーの歌広場淳、吉木リサ、フジテレビの人気番組『リアルスコープZ』から柳原可奈子、Sexy Zoneの中島健人、上地雄輔の3人が「これアカン」けどおいしいとそれぞれが思う独自の食べ方を紹介する。
5/7 20:00-20:56 Hey! Hey! Hey! FTV Arashi
5/7 21:00-22:54
Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno ep.4
5/7 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
5/10 19:00-19: 56
VS Arashi FTV female Volley Ball team
5/10 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Youka to Arashi share house, Mannequin Must Item
5/11 25:28-25:38 London Heat NTV Sho Sakurai Sho
5/11 26:33-26:43 prefect in late night Mystery of Holmes a calico cat (5) NTV Masaki Aiba
5/12 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
5/12 21:00-21:54
Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba ep.5
5/12 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
5/14 21:00-22:54
Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno ep.5
5/14 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
5/10 19:00-19: 56
VS Arashi FTV female Volley Ball team
5/10 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
5/11 25:28-25:38 London Heat NTV Sho Sakurai Sho
5/11 26:33-26:43 prefect in late night Mystery of Holmes a calico cat (6) NTV Masaki Aiba
5/12 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
5/12 21:00-21:54
Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba ep.6
5/12 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
5/14 21:00-22:54
Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno ep.6
5/14 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
5/17 19:00-19: 56
VS Arashi FTV
5/17 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
5/18 25:28-25:38 London Heat NTV Sho Sakurai Sho
5/18 26:33-26:43 prefect in late night Mystery of Holmes a calico cat (7) NTV Masaki Aiba
5/19 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
5/19 21:00-21:54
Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba ep.7
5/19 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
5/21 21:00-22:54
Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno ep.7
5/21 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
5/24 19:00-19: 56
VS Arashi FTV
5/24 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
5/25 25:28-25:38 London Heat NTV Sho Sakurai Sho
5/25 26:33-26:43 prefect in late night Mystery of Holmes a calico cat (8) NTV Masaki Aiba
5/26 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
5/26 21:00-21:54
Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba ep.8
5/26 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
5/28 21:00-22:54
Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno ep.8
5/28 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
5/31 19:00-19: 56
VS Arashi FTV
5/31 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
24 hours TV, NTV
every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/24 VS Arashi
4/29 Hey! Hey! Hey!
5/1 Arashi ni Shiyagare
5/8 VS Arashi
5/15 Arashi ni Shiyagare
5/22 VS Arashi
5/29 Arashi ni Shiyagare.
Platinum Data Kazunari Ninomiya
AFLAC Sho Sakurai
Muhi, Masaki Aiba
pino Sho Sakurai
Aijinomoto Frozen food, shrimp fry version Sho Sakurai
Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
JAL 6/16
Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Kazunari Ninomiya, Jun Matsumoto
Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
AU 7/1
Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
Oronomin C Sho Sakurai
AU 7/4 Tongari Corn Curry Flavor,
AU 7/15
AFLAC Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki
Fasio mascara make up artist goes on trip version Jun Matsumoto
Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
Hitachi vacuum Sho Sakurai x Kazunari Ninomiya
JCB Kazunari Ninomiya
JAL 9/13
Velmont Curry Masaki Aiba
9/16 Kirin
It's time! Let's select yummy Japanese food 9/20
Pocky Kazunari Ninomiya
Tanrei Green Label Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
Aijinomoto Frozen food, humburg version Sho Sakurai
Hitachi too fresh horse mackerel Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto
Hot Pepper beauty Jun Matsumoto
10/1 au
you can choose future 10/1
AFLAC Kimiko-san versions Sho Sakurai
Oronamin C JAXA version Sho Sakurai
10/1 Meiji Chocolate Jun Matsumoto
Mary Chocolate Biscuit Satoshi Ohno x Yukie Nakama
Mario 3D CM Kazunari Ninomiya
11/3 KFC hot pie Jun Matsumoto
Mikakuto menthol drop Masaki Aiba
11/10 Benesse
Junior high school course Sho Sakurai
Hitachi Appliance Celing LED lighting and UFO Kazunari Ninomiya Satoshi Ohno
Mario Kart 11/17 Kaibutsu-kun x 7 eleven Satoshi Ohno
Hitachi Appliance Shirokkuma-kun comfortable electric saving Kazunari Ninomiya Masaki Aiba
11/18 au
you can choose future 12/5
Mario 3D CM Kazunari Ninomiya
1/1 Kirin
Tanrei Green Label 1/1 House food
Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
Facio Jun Matsumoto
Mikakuto menthol drop Masaki Aiba
2/15 Benesse
Junior high school course Sho Sakurai
2/19 Ajinomoto Frozen food, thick Gyozo skin. Sho Sakurai
JCB Kazunari Ninomiya
3/1 Naive Satoshi Ohono
3/7 Meiji Crispy Vanilla & Chocolate Jun Matsumoto
JAL 3/14 Morinaga
Mary Chocolate Biscuit Satoshi Ohno x Yukie Nakama
3/16 Kirin
Tanrei Green Label 3/25
Oronamin C Wedding version Sho Sakurai
Nisshin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
4/10 Pocky trip & Po Kazunari Ninomiya
Nisshin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
AFLAC Sho Sakurai
Nisshin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
4/20 House food
Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
4/2 Cinema Squre Kazunari Ninomiya x Eiji Toyoetsu Platinum data
4/4 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin Jun Matsumoto, serial of Mystery of Holmes, a calico cat Masaki Aiba
4/4 Weekly The Television, covedr Masaki Aiba, Room 3104, Arashi pin-up if, if Masaki Aiba were a calico cat…? if spend withSatoshi Ohno whole day at sofa.
4/5 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/6 Orisa, serial Secret of Arashi Kazunari Ninomiya, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
4/7 Duet Arashi zoom,
4/7 Wink up,
4/7 Potato, serial Around Arashi
4/7 Grazia special interview Mazaki Aiba
4/8 Yomiuri newspaper, Yomihot Masaki Aiba
4/10 Casa Brutus, Sho Sakurai serial trip to learn architecture
4/10 Men's non-no cover: Masaki Aiba
4/10 TV Navi smile, cover: Satoshi Ohno
4/10 Josei Jishin cover: Masaki Aiba Holmes a calico cat exam
4/114/11 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin, Satoshi Ohno, serial Holmes a calico cat Masaki Aiba Arashi drama navi
4/11 TV fun cross, cover: Satoshi Ohno
4/11 Weekly The Television, Arashi double cover and pin up, serial Room 3104 Satoshi Ohno, center book in book TV history book look back 30 years history with past cover.
4/11 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin
4/11 TV Life, cover: Masaki Aiba serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, Arashi x TV life history, special cross talks Satoshi Ohno x Erika Todax Koichi Sato
4/11 TV Pia,
4/11TV Station, serial Catch the Arashi.
4/12 Baila, special interview Satoshi Ohno
4/12 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/12 Baila, special interview: Saotshi Ohno Satoshi Ohno
4/11 novel Wild era, close up drama adaptation of Mystery of Holmes a calico cat and Looked room.
4/15 Asia Pops magazine, pick up J drama Locked room.
4/13 Orita, serial secret of Arashi Sho Sakurai, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba, report of VS Arashi and Arashi ni Shiyagare.
4/17 Tokyo walker, cover Masaki Aiba
4/18 Weekly The Television, serial Room 3104 Satoshi Ohno,
4/18 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin
4/18 Pickt up, cover and fornt pages: Satoshi Ohno, special: Looked room new challenge
4/20 Non no, Satoshi Ohno X Erika Toda serial 2/ Arashi, Ramen no Arashi Masaki Aiba x Jun Matsumoto 4/20 M girl, cover: Masaki Aiba,
4/20 Orista, serial secret of Arashi
4/23 Myojo, Arashi variety show site happenings
4/23 popolo, popopolo 20th anniversary Arashi big pin-up.
4/23 Soda, cover and pin up: Satoshi Ohno 3/24 GQ, serial the road to gentleman
4/24 Monthly The Television, cover: Masaki Aiba, monthly Arashi
4/24 Monthly TV guide,
4/24 Monthly TV navi,
4/24 Monthly TV fan. cover: Satoshi Ohno Arashi special book, Masaki Aiba pin up, closed up report of VS Arashi
4/25 Locked room pocket book
4/25 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin, serial Masaki Aiba “give me hand of cat”
4/25 Weekly The Television, serial Room 3104 Satoshi Ohno, never seen shot, Arashi back stage, new tune commentary by members.
4/25 TV Life, serial Arashi ni Shiaygare, Satoshi Ohno and Arashi special. no.1 drama that picked by readers is Mao, charm of Mao that Satoshi Ohno talks, Mannequin Five special penalty game in up. Masaki Aiba last place coordination.
4/25 TV Pia , cover and pin-up Masaki Aiba
4/25 TV Station, serial catch the Arashi
4/26 + act mini, cover and front pages: Satoshi Ohno, newly shot portait and long interview, site report of Locked room
4/26 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/27 More, serial It Kazunari Ninomiya, Book in Book Arashi special photo & interview
4/27 an an, serial The Key of Satoshi Ohno, Satoshi Ohno
4/27 Miss, crazy About Arashi Satoshi Ohno
4/27 Orista, serial secret of Arashi, Satoshi Ohno, Jun Matsumoto Sho Sakurai
5/2 Weekly The Television, serial Room 3104 Satoshi Ohno,
5/2 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin, serial Masaki Aiba “give me hand of cat”
5/7 Duet Arashi zoom,
5/7 Wink up,
5/7 Potato, serial Around Arashi
5/7 Ane can, check the Ani men, Masaki Aiba
5/7 Da vince, novelist x Arashi, Jiro Akagaya x Masaki Aiba, Yusuke Takashi x Satoshi Ohno,
5/9 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin, serial Masaki Aiba “give me hand of cat”
5/9 Weekly The Television, serial Room 3104 Satoshi Ohno,
5/9 TV Life, serial Arashi ni Shiaygare,
5/9 TV Pia , cover and pin-up
5/9 TV Station, serial catch the Arashi
5/9 an an, serial The Key of Satoshi Ohno, Satoshi Ohno
5/10 Casa Brutus, Sho Sakurai serial trip to learn architecture
5/10 Hanoko, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan.
5/11 Orista, serial secret of Arashi
5/16 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin, serial Masaki Aiba “give me hand of cat”
5/16 Weekly The Television, serial Room 3104 Satoshi Ohno,
5/16 an an, serial The Key of Satoshi Ohno, Satoshi Ohno
5/18 + act cover and front page:Masaki Aiba site report of Holmes a calico cat.
5/18 Orista, serial Secret of Arashi.
5/19 non-no, serial 2/ Arashi, Jun Matsumoto x Kazunari Ninomiya,interior of Arashi
5/23 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin, serial Masaki Aiba “give me hand of cat”
5/23 Weekly The Television, serial Room 3104 Satoshi Ohno,
5/23 TV Life, serial Arashi ni Shiaygare,
5/23 TV Pia , cover and pin-up
5/23 TV Station, serial catch the Arashi
5/23 an an, serial The Key of Satoshi Ohno, Satoshi Ohno
5/25 Orista, serial secret of Arashi
4/4 Permanent Part timer buys a house special, DVD and BD
4/27 Problem Solving after the dinner DVD BD
5/9 Face Down, Limited edition with DVD and general edition
5/23 Beautiful World tour, special edition with extra DVD and general edition
5/30 Locked room original sound track.
6/6 Your Eyes
7/11 I won’t do kidnap any more DVD BD
8/1 Problem-solving is after the dinner special BD and DVD
9/5 Blackboard BD and DVD
This week word by Nino
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 141 19 Jun
Enjoy vol.82 updated 30 Dec (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 97 updated 20 Jan (update every 15th from April)
Ura Arashi 2011: 7/24 Aiba-chan 7/30 Nino 7/31 O-chan 9/3 Sho-kun 9/4 Jun-kun, 1/3 O-chan, 1/4 Sho-kun,1/7 Aiba-chan, 1/8 Nino, 1/14 Jun-kun 1/15 all
Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed:
TV Guide,
The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed:
TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu:
Hanako every Friday Orista
Wink up,
POTATO 20th:
Non-no 2/ Arashi
Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
The Television (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya
Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year ;
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki Aiba BD, year 1982