
Jan 03, 2011 10:02

Japan is still festive season by today no regular news shows

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8℃/3℃/ 30%


J-web this week Qupte Happy new year

Please support us this year too.
Ninomiya /Satoshi no Hitotoki, title model of 2011, Nino? head with construction helmet written 2011, no body and legs and arms come out directly from head does Y balance.

sake brewery in Saga pref.  twitter 1/1 Happy new year I have watched Kohaku Satoshi Ohno-san who did MC came to our company. shooting of “our home town Nippon” was 25 Sat./  from NHK this is secret, please keep quiet. it was really hard to leak the secret. This is really greateful as representative of 1807 sake breweries in Japan. /1/2 Morning, I got phone call, form woman who loves sake, “I want to take photo to use Kohaku. I want to ask to your son” “Thsnk you.”” as this is still planning stage, once it will be fixed, I’ll bring you guest. I can’t tell who it is.” / employee searched interet, MC Arashi seems to sing showing the photo they took all over Japan. This could be leader Satoshi Ohno-san, he said. I said “no way.” laughed. / Satoshi Ohno-san who got off from car hanging camera from neck was young guy with kind face./ 1/3 After the car arrived I couldn’t see the aspect while. as it took time. as they slept in the car, he could relived the stress. As he handles hard schedule of end year this is really hard. He attitude is good-natured and just like very leader./ he talks little his serious look in his eyes to watch to make sake was impressive. / process of making sake, washing rice, boiling, preparing, malting, tasting, it was experience of 2 hours and half, he joined to work and releases the shutter by himself and take memorial photos, it seems he enjoyed it./ at tasting, he met flavour of the sake by several flowers’ yeastferment for the first time it seems he was so curious. Ohno-san was interested in the sake with strawberry flowers’ yeastferment. he picked up several times.

sake brewery in Saga pref. blog on 1/1 Have you watched yesterday Kohaku? MC Arashi ‘s project”our home town Nippon”, leader Ohno-kun visited was our “Amabuki sake brewery”! as it was secret until airing. I couldn’t report. Ohno-kun was good guy. visiting was 2 hours and half I have talked a lot in order to experience, beat away boiled rice, maintenance of rice malt, mixture of unrefined sake preparation. he is in good sense and catches so easily. doing maintenance of rice malt, he murmured “I like this kind of thing” and when he beat away 235 kg boiled rice from filtering machine by shovel, automatically staffs of brewery applauded. he did tasting. He liked “Amabuki, Special Brew Sake Yamadanishiki strawberry yeastferment” he pick up the bottle and checked label, new year eve to close year this came to wonderful when I came to work today I got access 14436 access.  and raking of Nihon village blog raise no.2! this exploit since this blog has been open.  this own to leader of Arashi Mr.Satoshi Ohno, Kohaku related people, and kind fans. Thank you very much. so today is Satoshi Ohno -kun special. the photo with brewery staffs. after having brewery experience he get along with brewery staff, shot in happy harmony, all of brewery staffs centered with Ohno-kun have nice smile. then next tis shot in from god of wealth. as this is our guardian god. our customer stroke is as they would get grace. Of cource Ohno-kun did stroke too. this photo is the scene Ohno-kun and me do maintenance of rice malt. he warm mix rice malt with hand, it seems he looks find feeling power of microorganism. As each Arashi had really precious experience I hope they edit this again and show Arashi’s smile at special show

Tokyo newspaper Kohaku, B: AKB 48 and also Arashi who lead last year chart was highly visible. C: they must be major role to contribute white team to victory for 6 times in row. E: They must have criticism this year too they relay on Johnny’s talent, this is not only Kohaku it’s entertainment industry relay on Johnny’s talent, I realized so watching their flawless MC

Rakuten Woman no.1 is Kazunrai Ninomiya of Arashi starring “permanent part timer at home.” however there’re no gaiety scenes, as they used skilled actor such as Ninomiya , Atsuko Asano, Naoto Takenaka, Karina Ryoko Sakaguchi, they succeed to express “modern complex family” first audience rate is 17.6 and final was highest 19.2%, audience rate has grown over episode. this could be exploit that created by good piece.

Sponichi average audience rate of Kohaku song festival, part 2 from 9:30 was 41.7% in Kanto area. exceeded 40% for 3 years in row. NHK people relived. it seems comeback of  Keisuke Kuwata and MC by Arashi made success. part 1 from 7:30 was 35.7. this inclred 0.9% from 40.8% of last year. they passed acceptance line of 40%. part 1 decreased 1.4% comparing last year, Keisuke Kuwata and Arashi who got 6 single in top 10 of year show Kohaku project “out home town Nippon” and “Kohaku original medley” total 7min and half performance and make Kohaku excited. blog Kohaku audience rate exceeded 40% this is over Vancouver Olympic that Mao Asada go silver medal (36.3%) except world cup game this is highest audience rate.

Daisuke Hoshino-san blog on 12/25 and today is my friend from my childhood, Masaki Aiba’s BD, Maa-kun Happy Birthday.

Daiseuke Shima-san yesterday blog Good morning how do you spend new year> it’s suddent when I turn on “permanent part timer buys a house “ repear on air I was surprised. it’s on air from sp.1 to 5 I actually watching it.

Saori Yoshida blog I appear VS Arashi from 6:30 tomorrow.

goo ranking no.1 Arashi, no.2 Kanjani, no.3 Tokio

Sayaka Nakaya-san (AKB)blog at Kohaku I got compliment from Arashi candy (there’s photo, looks cute) and roll cake, this is my favorite candy Papabubulle that is located in Nakano. there are so many compliment form all of people. Ami Maeda (AKB) blog on 1/1 from Arashi who did Kohaku song fest MC, I got complemet gift from Arashi to all of participant of Kohaku. they are amazing. (there’s phoeo) Tuyoshi Trakagi-san (House of Representatives member who sat in Shinkansen next to Arashi on the way back from Nagagoya ) blog on 1/1 New year special show, Arashi who does their best teasing by Nepture. it seems they would  be popular more this year, they are so brave. Personally after all Aiba-kun? Umezawa-san (kaibutsu-kun special make up artist) Fujie Reina-san (AKB) blog on1/1  I got form white team MC Arahi-san, Roll cake and, sushi and candy. what this candy this looks like face, but this come to Arashi. and there’re ones written Thank you. Isn’t it amazing? Umezawa-san (Kaibutsu-kun special make up artist)  blog on 12/31 this year it was exactely started from “Kaibutsu-kun and “ended Kaibutsu-kun” I didn’t imagine I ‘d work for Kohaku song fest. This is all owe to Kaibutsu-kun.


9:00-11:55 Permanent part timer buys a house, FTV  ep6-8 Kazunari Ninomiya  

12:05-14:30 Permanent part timer buys a house, FTV  e9-10 Kazunari Ninomiya 

18:30-20:54 VS Arashi new year special, FTV against Hexagon team lead by Shinsuke Shimada, Kazuhiro Kiyohara  and drama "Control" team lead by Nao Matshita, Naoto Dujiki Yu Yokohama and other. Challenge 8 games.

three some battle of new year, strongest Shinsuke army team with boss Kiyohara, Kanemoto, Yoshida, Satomi participate in earnest, Nao Matsushita vs Arashi again… Naoto Fujiki (boss of last promise) vs Ninomiya at Cliff Climbing, Yokoyama of Kanjani vs Sakuai battle of mate who joined the company in the same year, Shigeru Izumitani is out of control. Aiba miracle, Matsujun x Ohno have a falling out!? unprecedentedness shocking result. / Fight against “Shinsuke Shimada strongest team” and drama “Control” team lead by Nao Matsushita. Shimada appeared with Kazuhiro Kiyohara, Tomoaki Kanehara, Saori Yoshita and other sports athletes and Fujiwara and other comedians. Sho Sakurai “Shinsuke -san make amazing plan previous time. this time he picked member directly. but I will do my best not to be beaten” he fgot fired up.  お正月豪華三つ巴対決紳助最強軍・番長清原金本知憲&吉田沙保里本気モードで参戦!▽松下奈緒VS嵐が再び…藤木直人VS二宮崖登り関ジャニ横山VS櫻井の同期対決▽泉谷しげる大暴走▽相葉ミラクル松潤×大野仲間割れ!?前代未聞の衝撃結末…「島田紳助最強軍団」チームと松下奈緒らドラマ「CONTROL―」チームと対決。島田は清原和博、金本知憲、吉田沙保里らスポーツ選手やFUJIWARAら芸人を引き連れて登場。櫻井翔は「紳助さんは前回すごい作戦を立てていて、今回もメンバーを直々に選んだとか。負けないように頑張ります」と意気込む。As Shineuke is beaten by Arashi twice, he collected atheletes in earnest. But Kiyohara can’t do agile movement, but Kanemoto has injury on his shoulders, they face many worries. and the encounter against Control team, Satoshi Ohno and Jun Matsumoto quarrel among themselves, this gets stormy game. オリジナルの大型ゲームで、嵐とゲストチームが対戦する。 島田紳助、元プロ野球・清原和博さん、プロ野球・金本知憲選手、女子レスリング・吉田沙保里選手、デンジャラス・ノッチら”紳助最強軍団”、松下奈緒、藤木直人、関ジャニ8・横山裕、泉谷しげるら”コントロール~犯罪心理捜査”チームが登場。紳助は過去2回、嵐に負けていることもあり、本気で勝つためにアスリートたちを集めた。しかし、清原さんは機敏な動きができず、金本選手は肩を痛めているなど、不安要素は多い。一方、コントロールチームとの対決では、嵐の大野智と松本潤の仲間割れなどで、波乱含みの展開になる。

no News Zero


6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, Happy new year, this year is Heisei 23 rabbit year, well, Happy new year again. err. Please support this year too. so new year. well it’s 2011, it’s beginning. last year was really fulfilled year. well I want to say, actually last year, sorry I hardly painted. hardly…I noticed so. as I thought this would not be good, I have one the one I have been painting, mid-flow one, with smaller, fine pen. I have drawing that I have been drawing freely partway, well, well I can do this one, I still leave this while. I thought I would do aquarelle a little, this is after long time aquarelle. I don’t know how it’s going to that’s why I have bought art material a lot. I’m ready already. the rest is just painting. it’s all depends on Satoshi’s feeling, it’s just like that. I wonder how many I can paint this year. these big one, I would paint several, 2-3 pieced, and detailed painting, I’d drew just like graffiti. I want 2011 is painting year, I think. yoroshiku onegaishimasu.



Chocola BB poster at major station,  JCB poster at major stations, Kirin Tanrei Green posters at major stations. au poster at major stations, part timer  poster at major stations. Fasio store fixture. Hitachi Catalogue, + Water pop at drag store, part timer poster at major station, Wii sport resort billboard at major station. Wii Sports Resort catalogue at shop

Hitachi CM at Tokyo Metro major station's station vision, Hitachi poster at major station, JR and Tokyo metro

Gantz wrapping car runs around Tokyo

Kohaku spot 25 sec version, 5 sec version

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