Upcomings from 6 Sep

Sep 06, 2010 10:51


9/6 21:00-21:54 Summer romance shines in rainbow colors FTV Jun Matsumoto Haruki who is brother of dead husband visit to celebrate Umi's birthday. Meanwhile Taiga participate workshop hosted by sever staging producer, he vividly studies acting. Shiori who got the delivery for Taiga saw his aspect, and left a thoughtful letter.  Taiga who doesn't notice Shiori's feeling get confused.▽詩織(竹内結子)の亡き夫の弟・春樹(塚本高史)が海(小林星蘭)の誕生日を祝うため、詩織の家を訪問。一方、大雅(松本潤)は厳しい演出家が主催するワークショップに参加し、生き生きと演技の勉強に励む。大雅に届け物があった詩織は、その様子を見て心のこもった手紙を残すが、詩織の思いに気付かない大雅は混乱する。Taiga recovers his senses just before kissing with Sakura. Taiga loosen himself from her arms in surprise. Sakura is chagrined as it was close. Meanwhile Haruki who is on the business trip to Tokyo visit Shiori's home. Haruki disclose he was told by his mother  to see how Shiori is doing. He tells "if Shiori and Umi get happy I think it's better that you get in love or get marriage again without thinking about died brother."Next day Taiga visit "workshop" venue that hosted by wel-known staging producer. He was know by his sever teaching. he hangs Taiga out do dry more than others.◇大雅(松本潤)は桜(桐谷美玲)とキスをする寸前、われに返る。大雅が驚いて腕をふりほどくと、桜はあと少しだったのにと悔しがる。そのころ、詩織(竹内結子)の家に、出張で上京していた春樹(塚本高史)が訪れていた。春樹は詩織の様子を見るよう母親に言われてきたと明かす。しかし、詩織や海(小林星蘭)が幸せになるなら、死んだ兄のことは気にせず、恋をしたり再婚したりするのが一番だと告げる。翌日、大雅は譲(永山絢斗)らと有名な演出家が主催する「ワークショップ会場」を訪れ、レッスンを受ける。演出家は厳しい指導で有名だったが、大雅にはなぜか人一倍厳しく当たる。 Taiga and Sakura stayed only 2 of them at office. Sakura tries to kiss saying "I make you forget Shiori-san" but Taiga fends off. When Shiori is having Umi's birthday party at home, Haruki Kitamura who is on the business trip for Tokio visits them. Haruki talks about Yuki, Shiori's died husband. Then he tells to Shiori to spend new life without minding Kitamura family. Work shop for 2 weeks by Masashi Arisugawa, a famous staging producer has been started. Taiba and Jo Erabu participate with a heart filled with excitement. Arisugawa who gives fdifficult request one to other. He tighten up with Taiga and gives him a real workout. Taiga never get discouraged and grit his teeth. Meanwhile Shiori minds Taiga who doesn't come to office, she get bizarre. Umi's school has started new term. Taiki see Haruki who came to get Umi. He worries about Umi is also attached to him. Taiki inform it to Taiga too. However Taiga gave up Shiori, he minds her emotionally....事務所で二人きりになった楠大雅(松本潤)と宮瀬桜(桐谷美玲)。「詩織さんのこと、忘れさせてあげる・・・」と、キスしようとする桜を大雅はうまくかわした。 北村詩織(竹内結子)は、自宅で海(小林星蘭)のバースデーパーティーを開いていたところ、ちょうど出張で東京に来ていた北村春樹(塚本高史)が飛び入り参加。その夜、春樹は亡き兄で詩織の亡き夫である勇樹の話をする。そして、春樹は北村家のことは気にせず、新たな人生を送ってもいいのでは?とさりげなく詩織に伝えた。演出家・有栖川正志(石橋蓮司)の2週間に渡るワークショップがスタートした。大雅や伊良部譲(永山絢斗)は期待に胸を膨らませながら参加する。次々と難しい表現を要求する有栖川は、なぜかことごとく大雅に厳しく接し、しごきまくる。それでもへこたれずに歯を食いしばる大雅。一方、詩織は事務所に来ない大雅が気にかかり、なんとなく様子がおかしくなってしまう。 海が通っている学校も新学期が始まった。楠大貴(沢村一樹)は、海のことを迎えに来た春樹の姿を見かける。海もなついている様子が気になり、大貴は大雅にも報告。大雅も詩織のことを諦めたとはいえ心に引っかかり…。

9/6  23:24-00:28News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai

9/7 6:45-7:30 Oha Stra, TVT introduce Arashi's new tune.▽嵐の新曲紹介おはガールグループ名発表!?

9/9 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight against "Kurosawa movie team" with Morisanchu, Joji Shibue, Tubaki Oniyakko, Kayoko Ohkubo. Reiko Takashima

This time guest is "Kurosawa movie team". Mainly female comediennes such as Morisanchu , Tubaki Oniyakko and other appear. Plus one guest of Arashi Team, REiko Takashima appears, Female comediennes can't hold their own. At "Jumping Shooter" 2 guys of Tomoharu Shoji and Kyosuke Yabe of guest team unflinchingly attack. by contrast when Jun Matsumoto and Masaki Aiaba of Arashi team turn, special rule such as goal keeper are upper side: Kayoko Okubo, lower side: 3 of Morisanchu. HOw far girls can keep goal. at "Giant Crush" This time Maccho-kun in bride in wedding dressa and holding wedding cake according to "Kurosawa movie" team. Acutally this become to Takashima's movie's promotion not their movie promotion? Miyuki Ohshima of Morisanchu watches VS Arashi every week. Before each game she check "Ohshima memo" fives instructioni of weakness of Arashi and  method to capture. Can this deliver to winning? At "Bank Bowling"Oniyakko makes miracle! close battle of Arashi and guest team continued. You can't miss until the end.今回のゲストは「クロサワ映画」チ−ム。森三中や椿鬼奴ら女芸人を中心にゲストチ−ムが登場するが、嵐のプラスワンゲストには高島礼子が現れ、女芸人たちも大女優の登場にたじたじ。 「ジャンピングシュ−タ−」では、ゲストチ−ムは庄司智春とやべきょうすけの男子2人が果敢に攻める。一方、嵐チ−ムの松本潤と相葉雅紀が攻める時は、上のゴ−ルを大久保佳代子が、下のゴ−ルを森三中の女子3人で守る、 という特別ル−ルでスタ−ト。女3人でどれだけゴ−ルを死守できるか。 「ジャイアントクラッシュ」で登場した今回のマッチョ君は「クロサワ映画」にちなんだ花嫁姿にウエディングケ−キを持っているが、自分たちの映画の宣伝より、結局高島の出演映画の宣伝に? 森三中の大島美幸は「VS嵐」を毎週欠かさず見ているそうで、ゲ−ムの対決の前に毎回「大島メモ」を取り出し、嵐の弱点やゲ−ムの攻略法をメンバ−に伝授! それが勝利につながるか? 「バンクボウリング」では、鬼奴がミラクルを起こす!嵐チ−ムとゲストチ−ムの攻防戦は接戦が続き、最後まで見逃せない!

9/9 21:00-22:56 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Michiko Yoshise at VIP room. distress of Michiko Yoshise is not able to run in mad dash!? food that Kichise get excited appears and others, Michiko Kichise appears at VIP room, her distress is as she lost physical strenght she can't run in mad dash. She disclose "thighs got muscle strain" and her way to release the stress is fishing, she fight against Arashi by fishing game. "Doubt action" fight against Tokui of Tutorial and others (changeable) ▽吉瀬美智子の悩みは猛ダッシュで走れないこと!?(予)▽吉瀬のテンションが上がる食べ物が登場(予)ほか▽「V.I.P ROOM」に吉瀬美智子が登場。吉瀬は体力が落ちて、走れないことが悩みだと明かし、「太ももが肉離れみたいになっちゃう」と告白する。また、ストレス発散法は釣りだと明かした吉瀬が嵐のメンバーと、釣りのゲームで対戦。また、「ダウトアクション」では、チュートリアル・徳井義実らと対決する。(変更あり)

9/10 19:54-21:48 Music Satation, TVA Arashi Love Rainbow

9/11 19:00-19:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba

9/11 21:00-21:54 Seika Fushigi Hakken, TBS Ohoku

9/11 21:54-22:00 Ohoku, Forbidden world, TBS

9/11 22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Extra maniac Ankik, Gekidan Hitori, and Seiji Rokkaku appear. Challenge good scene of Tora-san from "Otokoha Tsurai yo "(how hard to be a man) "! Seiji Rokkau give presantation of Local railway window to Arashi! Arashi shocks with superb view.超マニアックアニキ劇団ひとり&六角精児登場▼劇団ひとり大ファンの「男はつらいよ」寅さん名シーンに挑戦!六角精児がローカル鉄道の車窓を嵐にプレゼン!絶景に嵐衝撃!aniki guest is Seiji Rokkaku and Hitori Gekidan. 2 best "Maniac Aniki" in entertainment industry give instruction of maniac world to Arashi. Rumor section, Rokkaiku is "divorced 3 times, live with turtle." "it seems he plays guitar on the street." Gekidan hitori "actually it seems a broken couple." " it seem he saves a lot of miles." what is the truth? ★"Learn deep Shimo-kitazawa. "Hiroyuki Ariyoshi as set guest appears. "Virtual wandering " that appear Shimo-kitazawa scenery on monitor. 5 of Arashi have wandering experience. Recommended recycle shop, bar western food restaurant are introduced. ★"Get on Train" Once set spins. Box seat of Local railway appeared.  watching landscape on monitor and railway map, learn local railway that Rokkaku recommends. ★"Be Tora-san" Hitori Gekidan appears in Toda-san costume of "Otoko wa trurai yo" Quiz "Tora-san's cool lines" using set of Dango shop. アニキゲストは、六角精児&劇団ひとり。芸能界きっての"マニアックアニキ"の二人が嵐5人にマニアな世界を伝授する。噂話のコーナーでは、六角が「バツ3で、カメと2人で住んでいるらしい」「路上ライブでギターを弾いているらしい」、劇団ひとりが「実は仮面夫婦らしい」「すごくマイルを貯めているらしい」などのウワサが飛び出す。果たして真相は? ★ディープな下北を学びやがれ! セットゲストの有吉弘行が登場。モニターに下北沢界隈の風景が流れる"バーチャルぶらり"が登場。それを使って嵐5人がぶらり体験しながら、下北沢にあるおすすめのリサイクルショップ、BAR、洋食屋などを紹介する。 ★電車に乗りやがれ! セットが回転すると、ローカル線のボックス席セットが登場!車窓を模したモニターに流れる風景や路線図を見ながら、六角おすすめのローカル線を学び、体験する。 ★寅さんしやがれ! 劇団ひとりが大好きだという「男はつらいよ」の寅さんの衣装を身につけて登場。団子屋セットを使い、劇団ひとりおすすめの寅さんの"粋なセリフ"を嵐5人がクイズ形式で答える。

9/14 19:54-21:54 Music hour special, TBS ▽ついに今夜で名コンビ見納め石橋さん中居さん感謝うたばんと合わせ14年間ありがとう!ゆかりゲストも一堂に終結!▽スマップ・安室・嵐・モー娘・聖子・織田…戦いの歴史を総決算!▽矢沢・千春・揚水・桑田・龍一・水谷まで大御所もイジったぞ!▽郷・キロロ・0930・岡本・TM・いっくんMC満足のおかず集も▽感動のフィナーレ?

9/14 21:00-21:54 Summer romance shines in rainbow colors FTV Jun Matsumoto Taiga is in on top of the world as he confirmed they are in love each other. ans He spend fulfilled days at acting practice of staging producer, Arisugawa. But 2nd generation role of his father's tole "Kazeno GInjiro" that he expected to act secretly was taken by big actor Takami . He get depressed. Shiori conforts him.  ▽詩織(竹内結子)と両思いであることを確かめ合った大雅(松本潤)は有頂天に。また、演出家・有栖川(石橋蓮司)の芝居のけいこで充実した日々を送る。だが、大雅がひそかに継ぎたいと思っていた父・航太郎の当たり役“風の銀次郎”の二代目を、大物俳優・高見(佐藤浩市)が演じることに。落ち込む大雅を詩織はなぐさめる。 Taiga got through her feeling with Shiori, enjoy acting study,  he is in the top of happiness. Taiki hard Shiori is in love with Taiga and he got speechless. Aoki visits Machiko's place ton inform the "Kaze no GInjiro" series will be back next year> Taiga got got to know 2nd generation of "Ginjiro" taken by Takami, a big actor, he got mixed feeling.disclose her feeling about Taiga to Sakura. Sakurai says "I won't give up."She invite Shiori for lunch to talk about romance. Acting workshop for 2 week marks final date. after work shop, 3 persons name that can participate next Arisugawa's play are called....

9/14  23:24-00:28News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai

9/16 Tonnels no Minasa no Okagedeshita, FTV Kitana-chelin  (dirty restaurant of anti Michline ranking) Jun Matsumoto

9/16 19:00-19:57 VS Arashi FTV fight agaist "Umizaru" team Hideaki Ito, Ai Kato, Ryuta Sato, Masaya Kato, Kezue Fukishi. Sho Ayanokoji. Guest are Hideaki Ito, Ai Kato, RYuta Sato movie "Umizaru" team Ito tho fisht agaist Aiba at "Falling Pipe" requets "can you press the number easty to catch?" Aiba propose deal "If you mimic Toru Nakamura-san, I'd press." Then Ito force to Sato "Ryouta is better than him." ▽伊藤英明,加藤あい,佐藤隆太,加藤雅也,吹石一恵ら映画“海猿”チーム登場綾小路翔ほか▽ゲストは伊藤英明、加藤あい、佐藤隆太ら映画「―海猿」(9/18土公開)チーム。「フォーリングパイプ」で相葉雅紀と対戦する伊藤が「(取りやすい)連番を押して」と頼むと、相葉は「仲村トオルさんの物まねしてくれたら押します」と駆け引きを持ち掛ける。すると、伊藤は「隆太の方がうまいよ」と佐藤に押し付ける。 This time guest is movie "The Last message Umizaru" gorgeous actors such as Hideaki Ito, Ai Kato and other appear! as this is passionate movie, guest get excited too!? Plus one guest of Arashi is Sho Ayanokoji of Kishidan. Theme color of Arashi in black. Ayanokoji crys "I'm Arashi! " He feels members. At first "Falling Pipe! choose: Masaki Aiba, Catcher: Ito Aiba request "Do the mimic." Ito gets bashful. He forced to mimic of Toru nakamura to Ryuta Sato!? and Kazue Fukiishi as chooser. Cather: Sho Sakurai. He got big grin on his face..? At "Cliff Climb" Satoshi Ohno and Kazunari Ninomiya form Arashi team. Can chummy pair can demonstrate good team work? Masaya Kato and Ito challnege from Umizaru Team,今回のゲストは、映画「THE LAST MESSAGE 海猿」から伊藤英明や加藤あいなど豪華俳優陣が登場!熱い映画だけにゲストチ−ムのテンションも高い!?嵐チ−ムのプラスワンゲストには氣志團の綾小路翔が!嵐の衣裳のテ−マカラ−も黒で揃え、綾小路が「俺は嵐だ!」とメンバ−の一員気分に。 最初の対決「フォ−リングパイプ」では、パイプチョイスに嵐から相葉雅紀、パイプキャッチには伊藤が挑戦。
相葉が「モノマネやってください」と振ると照れる伊藤。その後、仲村トオルのモノマネを佐藤隆太にムチャ振り!?また、吹石一恵がパイプチョイスに立つと、パイプキャッチは櫻井翔が。この対決で櫻井が満面の笑みに・・・? 「クリフクライム」では嵐チ−ムからは大野智・二宮和也ペアが。仲良しの2人はゲ−ムでもチ−ムワ−クを発揮するのか!?一方、「海猿」チ−ムからは、伊藤と加藤雅也が挑戦。

9/16 21:00-22:56 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Kou Shibasaki in panic to count money? What animal that Kyoko Fukada want to have? ▽柴咲コウがマネーカウントで大パニック!?▽深田恭子がどうしても飼いたい動物は!?ほか(変更有)2 big actress special! ou Shibasaki unexpected with hot water pistol, Ninomiya goes out of control !? Puppoy festival with Kyoko Fukada held, Aiba got crazy? Kyoko Fukada appears at VIP room. puppies that she want to have  appear to the studio. and her bog  appear too, puppies festival is held! All smack their lips with Chinese herbal medicine hot pot that Shi frequents. Then Aiba suddenly got out of control!? what happened!? Ippatu Gambler, Kou Shibasaki appears. she is unexpectedly victimized by hot water gun!? then happening to Ninomiya!豪華2大女優スペシャル!柴咲コウがまさかの熱湯銃で二宮暴走!?深田恭子とワンコ祭り開催で相葉が壊れた!? VIP ROOM 深田恭子が登場!今、飼いたいという犬がスタジオに登場!さらに愛犬も登場し、ワンコ祭り開催! 深田恭子行きつけの「絶品!薬膳鍋」に一同舌鼓!!!さらに、相葉が突然の暴走!?いったい何がおこったのか!? イッパツギャンブラー 柴咲コウが登場!まさかの熱湯銃の餌食に!?さらに二宮にまさかのハプニングが!

9/18 14:30-15:30 tonight 2 weeks in row 2 hours special. Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba ▽“

9/18 21:54-22:00 Ohoku, Forbidden world, TBS

9/18 19:00-20:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba ▽“動物と人間のきずなから生まれた実話”を再現ドラマと実際の映像で紹介!▽画家を夢見た少年と愛犬の物語▽非行少年が初めて知った愛ときずなの物語▽ゴリラと共に育った少年ほか

9/18 22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV digest of 7 Aniki guests▽これまで出演した7組のアニキゲストを紹介▽マツコ・デラックス伝授の“マツコ飯”を大野が調理ほか

9/20 21:00-21:54 Summer romance shines in rainbow colors FTV Jun Matsumoto Final

9/20  23:24-00:28News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai

9/20 no VS Arashi

9/20 no Himitsu no Arashi-chan

9/21 21:00-21:54 Sekai Fushigi Hakken, TBS Ohoku special.

9/24 18:00-18:50 Shonen Club Premium, BS2 Kazunari Ninomiya  x Tadayoshi Ohkura

9/25 21:54-22:00 Ohoku, Forbidden world, TBS

9/25 19:00-20:54 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 2 hours special.

9/25 21:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV 2 hours special.

9/28 17:00-17:50 Shonen Club Premium, BS-Hi Kazunari Ninomiya  x Tadayoshi Ohkura 

10/4 21:00- 23:18. The most strange story of the world FTV Satoshi Ohno no.2 Kaname Mangi "First step" x Satoshi Ohno. Serious business man and his girl friend Reina Tanaka. What nip love of 2... is a trademark phrase. and there dubious god acted by Shiro Ito (Kotaro in Natsuniji) descends to earth and got unexpected development... unusual fantastic strange world by Kaname Manji has just wrote is here. Kaname Manji who is fan of "the most strange story of the world" wrote for the autumn special. Hajime Shinozaki (Satoshi Ohno) who has trademark phrase "At first", too discretion and lack of leverage a business man who insist to think in order. his girl friend Misaki Sakamorto is not happy with it. One day on the way back form date. middle age god and young god descend to earth. One Hajime noticed, except him all are in frozen, even Misaki. While they stop time they realize Hajime's dream but they look really dubious god, He still can't remove a sense of uncertainty then....

October 21:00-21:54 Permanent part timer buys a house, FTV Kazunari Ninomiya  Seiji quite employment for 3 months and retired to home having optimistic thought that he can work any time when he wanted he spends untidy life. One day he get know his mother is depression, As Sumiko, his mother lived with bullies of neighborhood and insensitive attitude of her family she get very severe depression. Doctor advice what is important is family support and avoid stress. Father, Seiichi who is typical company soldier can’t accept the truth, he doesn’t ever care about her, leave home. Aysako, Seiji’s sister who is very understanding of her mother is married to doctor in Saitama, however she struggle raising kids and human relationships at her husband place, she worried about Take family where she left from and depravity brother very much. Suddenly severe truth was delivered to oldest son, Seiji. “Am I master of house!?” But his job hunting continues to fail. He has days to face social that are strict against dropped out people. Seiji who started to work at construction that is good pay for life. He met his boss, Manami Chiba (Karina) He was noticed meaning of life and work. Seiji who thought he needed a goal “I can work hard for this” He decided “However I’m permanent part timer I buy a house.” You can say this is foolhardy, can he achieve it. Can unite the apart family again? Seiji’s new start of life begins. You can make the life any time again! It’s not too late to do that! You can work hard when you notice! Real revitalization of heartwarming family is here! New social home drama of 21st century version now created.

every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan
9/14 VS Arashi
9/15 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
9/21Arashi ni shiyagare
9/28 VS Arashi
9/29 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
10/5 Arashi ni shiyagare
10/6 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
10/13 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
10/19 Arashi ni shiyagare
10/26 VS Arashi,
10/27 Himitsu no Arashi-chan

New-year 2011 Spring 2011GANTZ Kazunari Ninomiya  Kurono who is job hunting college student see Kato a childhood friend of primary school at subway platform. Kato, a strong sense of justice tries to save a drunkard who fell to rail track. He get hit by train with Kurono who lends a hand…. Next moment, they are in a room of apartment. Died people as them are gathered there. A mysterious sphere Gantz shows its bizarre presence in the center of living room. They can’t get back to their life unless they have to clear the aliens-hunt mission of that Gantz gives. They continue to fight against heteromorphic aliens without knowing who they are in order to save their own life. However they realize life and death, that fighting in the incongruous world is getting hard.
10/1/2010 Ohoku Kazunari Ninomiya mysterious epidemic sweeps over men, Ed, age of Tokugawa, (1608-1868) 80% of man in Japan dead and the population decreased only one-quart of female population. It was reverse world all of important work is done by women and men sell their bodies. The sumptuous place in such an age. It was ohoku the place where 3000 beautiful men serve one female shogun, paradise of men, no women admitted… now a young guy opens its door.
Latter part of 2011 God's medical report Sho Sakurai  Ichito Kurihara works at small hospital in Shinsyu area, an internal medicine specialist who is not good at being sad. Here, doctors are always badly off. To remedy not his specialty area is his daily happening, also can’t have sleep for 3 days also his daily happening. He handle daily medical care cooperating with richly-experienced nurse and a friend who has character but a brilliant doctor. One day he has offer from his college, If he would back to college he can get more days off and increase time to spend with his sweet wife. B/ut why not to have a doctor who faces to patients who are considered too late by college university or big hospital. It was -unexpect/ed gift by Azumi-san who is old age cancer patient gives someone a supportive push to Ichito who struggles.

1/8 Able, Sho Sakurai
1/16 Kose, Fasio Jun Matsumoto 
1/24 & 1/30  Tanrei Green Label, Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
2/22 House Foods Soup de Okoge, Kazunari Ninomiya
2/5 AU all
2/25 AU all
3/16 Mitsuya Cider Sho Sakurai  
3/18 Super Mario Brothers, Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno
3/22 House Foods, Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba 
3/27 Eizai, Chocolat BB Royal T Kazunari Ninomiya
4/2 Eizai, Chocolat BB Royal 2 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/19 House Foods, Tongari Corn, all
4/21 Mario Kart Wii, Kazunari Ninomiya & Jun Matsumoto
5/10 Muhi, Masaki Aiba 
5/11 Mario Galaxy 2 Kazunari Ninomiya & Masaki Aiba 
5/21 Pino Sho Sakurai  
5/24 JCB Kazunari Ninomiya
6/3 KFC havanero boneless, Satoshi Ohno
6/5 au  bathroom Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno Masaki Aiba 
6/12 Tanrei Green Label, Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
6/12 au bathroom Sho Sakurai & Jun Matsumoto
7/8 Wii party, all
7/10 Mitsuya Cider ”want to drink" cersion Sho Sakurai  
7/15 Kose, Fasio Jun Matsumoto 
7/24 Hitachi appliance Sho Sakurai Masaki Aiba 
7/28 JAL cm, movin'on
7/31 Hitachi appliance  All 
9/3  Soup de Okoge Kazunari Ninomiya
Fall Fasio Jun Matsumoto

9/1 Weekly The Television serial "salon of Ninokura" (Ohoku serial)
9/1 TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
9/1 TV Life,, serial "Natsujun mode"Jun Matsumoto , Arashi Special, Himitsu no Arashi-chan collaboration project penalty game gravure picture single no Arashi Special interview: Jun Matsumoto
9/1Cinema★Cinema 『大奥』第2弾特集佐々木蔵之介、中村 蒼、金子ノブアキ、細田よしひこ×竹財輝之助×松島庄汰
9/3 Orista,  Serial "Secret of ARASHI" Kazunari Ninomiya , serial "door to Ohoku"
9/3 Kyoto tourism Map walker (Ohoku, cover: Shibasaki-san)
9/3 ciao Jun Matsumoto
9/4 Gyao Magazine Jun Matsumoto "Summer romance shine in rainbow color "site report.
9/4 Kinema Shunpo Ohoku report●撮影現場ルポ 「大奥」(後編)、「ヌードの夜/愛は惜しみなく奪う」
9/4 Non-no serial "2/Arashi”
9/4 Nikkei Entertainment Kazunari Ninomiya
9/4 Lee Kazunari Ninomiya x Kou SHibasaki
9/6 Kinema Shunpo (Ohoku, site report)
9/6 Da vinci (Ohoku, Fumi YOshinaga, Kaneko director)
9/7Duet, serial ”Monthly Arashi-ism”
9/7 Wink Up,
9/7 Potato, serial “Around Arashi” 
9/7 Nikkei Woman (Ohoku, cover: Kou SHibasaki)
9/7 Lee (Kazunari Ninomiya , Shibasaki-san)
9/7 in Red (Nakamura-san)
9/7 Edge, Ohoku, Kazunari Ninomiya
9/7 Seda,Ohoku, Kazunari Ninomiya
9/7 marisol (Ohoku, Tamaki-san)
9/8 Weekly The Television serial "salon of Ninokura" (Ohoku serial)  Kazunari Ninomiya
9/8 TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
9/8 TV pia Interview, Saoshi Ohno x Masaki Aiba "Løve Rainbow"
9/8 TV Station
9/9 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan no Arashi-san 
9/10Orista,  Serial "Secret of ARASHI" Kazunari Ninomiya , serial "door to Ohoku"
9/10 Fine Boys cover and close up: Kazunari Ninomiya
9/12 Baila (Ohoku, tamaki-san)
9/12 Jille, Ohoku  Kazunari Ninomiya 
9/14 Spa! Kazunari Ninomiya , Isoyama producer
9/15 TV Life,, serial "Natsujun mode"Jun Matsumoto ,
9/15 TV Japan, Ohoku Kazunari Ninomiya Shibasaki-san
9/15 Location Japan (Shibasaki-san, Araki producer)
9/15 Weekly The Television, Ohoku  Kazunari Ninomiya Shibasaki-san, Ohkura-san, Tamaki-san
9/17Orista,  Serial "Secret of ARASHI" Kazunari Ninomiya , serial "door to Ohoku"
9/17 Japan Movie Magazine, Ohoku  Kazunari Ninomiya Ohkura-san, Sasaki-san)
9/18 Non-no serial “2/Arashi”  Baseball no Arashi Kazunari Ninomiya x Masaki Aiba , charm of movie "Ohoku"
9/19 Nankuro plaze (Ohoku, Nobuaki Kaneko-san)
9/22 Myojo, cover: Arashi, serial "Arashi ato" 
9/22 Popolo
9/22 Weekly The Television serial "salon of Ninokura" (Ohoku serial)
9/22 TV Guide, Serial "Arashi Bin” 
9/22 TV pia
9/22 TV Station
9/22 SPUR Special close up Kazunari Ninomiya
9/22 Spur Kazunari Ninomiya
9/22 VoCE Kazunari Ninomiya
9/24 GQ Japan, serial "the way to gentleman"
9/24 Monthly The Television, serial "monthly Arashi"
9/24  Monthly TV Navi, Himitsu no Arashi prep and revision.
9/24 TV Fun,
9/28 More Serial "It" Kazunari Ninomiya ,
9/28 MISS 30's crazy about Arashi  Kazunari Ninomiya


Arashi 5-10 tour "Scene" the scenery I and you are looking at.

8/21 Tokyo, national stadium 17:30
8/22 Tokyo, national stadium 17:30
9/3 Tokyo, national stadium17:30
9/4 Tokyo, national stadium 17:30
10/29 Osaka, Kyosera Dome 18:00
10/30 Osaka, Kyosera Dome 16:00
1031 Osaka, Kyosera Dome 18:00
11/13 Hokaido, Sapporo Dome 18:00
11/14 Hokaido, Sapporo Dome 16:00
11/19 Tokyo Dome18:00
11/20 Tokyo Dome18:00
11/21 Tokyo Dome18:00
12/4 Nagoya Dome 18:00
12/5 Nagoya Dome 16:00
1/15 Fukuoka, Yahoo! Japan Dome 18:00
1/16 Fukuoka, Yahoo! Japan Dome 18:00


9/1 Summer romance shines in rainbow colors, original sound track.
9/15 Kaibutsu-kun DVD Satoshi Ohno
9/8 Løve Rainbow, limited edition: 1.Løve Rainbow, 2. TBD, 3. DVD, Løve Rainbow (PV) General edition: 1.Løve Rainbow, 2.TBD 3.Løve Rainbow Karaoke, 4. TBD Karaoke
9/29 Ohoku Original sound truck.
10/6 Dear Snow, general edition: 1. Dear snow, 2. TBD, 3. Dear Snow karaoke 4. TBD Karaoke. Limited Edition: 1. Dear Snow, 2. DVD with PV
10/21History of our family DVD & Blu-Ray.
12/10 Kisarazu Cats Eye Blu-ray


This week word by O-chan
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 134 15 Mar 
Enjoy vol.66 30 Aug (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 63 updated 20 Aug (update every 10th and 20th)
Prince Satoshi no Hitotoki 24 June
serial Tokujo 21 March 
No. 1 (Aiba~ one) 14 Sep (last)
My girl mail: 12/11
Annoying mail from all 4 Aug. 
Annoying mail from Aiba-chan 17 May,
Annoying mail from O-chan 16 Mar 3 Sep
Annoying mail from Sho-chan 17 Jan
Annoying mail from Jun-kun 9/3
Tenkimi mail from Nino: 9/24
Ura Arashi 2010: 8/21: Aiba-chan, 8/22 Nino, 9/3: Sho-kun, 9/4: O-chan

Regular TV programs & TV program to be checked

Mon:22:54-23:58  News Zero Sho Sakurai NTV (live)
Thr: 19:00-19:54 VS Arashi FTV 22:00-22:54  Himitsu  no Arashi-chan  TBS
Sat: 19:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura Zoo Masaki Aiba, NTV
22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare , NTV
9:30-14:00 to check Osama no Branch TBS, Countdown TV etc
Regular Radio programs

Mon: 6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Tue: 6:45-6:50  Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Wed: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Thr: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama 
Fri: 6:45-6:50   Arashi Discovery Satoshi Ohno FM Yokohama, 24:00-24:30 Arashi Aiba Masaki's Recomen! Arashiremix Masaki Aiba a Bunka Hoso 
Sat: 10:20-10:50 Arashi Jun Style Jun Matsumoto Nack5
Sun: 22:00-22:30 Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM
Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked

every Wed: TV Guide, The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed: TV LIFE, TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu: Hanako
every Friday Orista
5th:  Non-no 2/ Arashi
7th: Duet, Wink up, POTATO
20th: Non-no 2/ Arashi
23rd:  Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
24th: The Television  (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
28th: More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya
Arashi Anniversary

25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto  agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year 1996
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki AibaBD, year 1982


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