We have started the sign up for YutoYama Exchange 2015! This time round, we are trying something new, which is holding the exchange on AO3. We know most of us are used to LiveJournal, but we think that AO3 might have a better organisation. You would need an AO3 account to join, but rest assured, the sign up dates are long enough for you to get an account ready and join the exchange. Do read the FAQ & Rules before clicking the Sign Up Form on the left column.
Any questions can be e-mailed to us at yutoyamaexchange@gmail.com, our moderators will contact you as soon as possible.
We hope that writers that has not tried entering the exchange will try it this time round, and we hope to bring to you more fanfictions. If you have not read the entries of the previous two exchanges please proceed to
yyexchange to look at them.
This has been a PSA.