Title: Akatsuki
Genre: AU!Fantasy
Rating : PG-13
Pairing: Yamajima, Ariyama, Yabujima, Keito x OC
Disclaimer: I made the poster from images I got from flickr, heavily influenced by an original, final fantasy/kingdom hearts/legend of Mana but the plot and characterization are my own hard work. The Idols are Johhnys but because they've engraved an irreplaceable position in my heart so I based my characters on them and yeah used their names...the end.
The young prince of the Kingdom of Akatsuki was the life of the Castle. Cheerful, resilient and optimistic he lived his life in his own way and was well loved by all his people. His only despair was his confinement to the walls of his palace owing to his weak body. Things take an unexpected turn in his easy-going life after the arrival of a cold and mysterious kitchen boy, the only who seems unaffected by the prince's happy-go-lucky attitude.
Previous Chapters Update
Chapter 37: Imprisoned Will