Title: Victims of Love
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Pairing: 8059
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: Angst by the bucket, character death, use of the f-word.
Summary: Everyone who ever said love was easy was a liar, and everyone who said being in love was nice was just kidding themselves.
Author's Notes: This thing is ancient; I'm fairly certain I wrote it before the TYL arc even ended and then just never did anything else with it. It's in a slices-of-life format, with the scenes in italics not necessarily being in chronological order, but the other scenes are. In reality, this started as a bunch of random scenes I wrote with these two. This is just the end result. Title and link text unabashedly taken from a Good Charlotte song.
You figured out the things you thought you wanted to say, but when you open up your mouth it don't come out that way.