Otouto Love Me Chapter 9

Sep 13, 2015 17:27

Title : Otouto Love Me Chapter 9

Author : Nana-chan aka athena aka yamachiisuki

Pairing : YamaChii (main), YamaRyu (one-sided), ChiiTaro (one-sided)

Rating : PG 13 - NC 17

Genre : Romance, drama

Summary : Yamada Ryosuke hate his stepmother and her son, Yuri who suddenly interfere his life.

Notes : Dedicated to Ciel-chan aka ciel_chiishoryo Hope you like it ^^

    "Ryosuke, Yuri! Hurry get up!"

The said boy wake up uncomfortably due to the disturbing noise yet sounded panic coming from his father downstairs. He rushed outside his room just in time when the next door creaked open too. He turn to the other boy who just walked out with bed-eyes and messy hair, while Yuri, who doesn't seem fully out from his dream just silent and look back at his Nii-chan with his narrowed eyes. Ryosuke couldn’t handle the urge to keep his lips from turning upwards, seeing the cute sight. He doesn't look the same boy who kissed him deeply last night.

"Ryosuke, Yuri! Hayaku! It's urgent!"

They both turn to the voice and just remember what woke them earlier. He walking downstairs which Yuri following.

"Doushita no Tou-san? Did something happen?"

"There you finally are." His father smiled. "Let's eat breakfast. I'll go to work early today."

"You... wake us this early just for that?"

"Of course! Family has to eat breakfast together."

Ryosuke's shoulder down and Yuri's eyes narrowed more. He forgot that his father fancy this kind of family things enough to mess up his morning. But they don’t have choice but to make their way to the table.

“Cmon, don’t complaint. Your mother even woke up more early to make our breakfast.”

"Yes, but I only manage to toast some bread cause you didn’t inform me beforehand. Here's yours, honey." She served it to her husband then do the same towards her sons who begin to take their respective seat.

"Yuri, did you not sleep well? You have that slightly bag eyes.”


It caught Ryosuke attention as he chop his food and put it into his mouth while glanced at Yuri out of the corner of his eye.

“Sorry for waking you up. Sleep a little more after this.” Mr. Yamada said as he start to eat but stop after feeling something missing. "By the way, where's the milk, honey? We always drink it with some toast."

“We don't have any left. I found it scattered on the kitchen when I woke up.” She said make Ryosuke suddenly cough.

"Ara.. Ryosuke, eat slowly. Here, drink a water." She offered a glass but he immediately shook his head.

"Haha you don’t have to eat in a hurry like that.”

"But you have to hurry, honey. You nearly late."

"Oh right. I'm going."

"Wait. You left your bag."

As she following Mr. Yamada outside, Ryosuke turn at Yuri while glare at him.

"You. Why don't you clean up the place?"

"Just in case Nii-chan forget again and think last night as a dream. The scattered milk was an absolute evidence."

Ryosuke blush at the sarcasm words. "Whose fault is it till I felt like it was a dream?"


"You're the one whose like lose interest at me once you get me."

Yuri blink. It seems the word coming out from Ryosuke's mouth make him wide awake now.

"Is Nii-chan saying that you worried I'm gonna lose interest in you?"

Ryosuke gasp as he just realized what he just said.

"Like hell I would! I just said!” He tried to correct the word but it failed since he can see Yuri keep on smiling.

"I never lose interest in you. I just thought I should take it easy since Nii-chan said that you won't run anymore, or so I thought?"

He scowl. Well he indeed said so.

"But I'm glad that you missed me."

"Yeah right and why you're the one who couldn't sleep last night?" Ryosuke retorted back.

"I'm busy preparing for an upcoming exam. I can’t even get enough sleep last night because of it."

Ryosuke frowned. So it wasn't about him? Right, exam, he almost forget that one possible option. He was stupid to think it was something about him.

"By the way Nii-chan, that date we had the other day was very fun. Want to go again after school?"

"No thanks. Have fun with studying your exam."

He put his cutlery down and push his chair.

“Nii-chan?" Yuri watched as the older head upstairs.




Ryutaro scowled since his friend doesn't responding to his call nor drinking his favorite ichigo juice ever since their class break started.


“Eh nani Ryutaro?”

“You’ve been daydreaming ever since I called you. And your juice starting to melt.”


Ryutaro gaze at him. "Is it about Yuri-kun?"


"Did he still attacking you with kiss?"

Ryosuke blurted his juice before banging the table with his hand, "What are you talking about! As if I’d let him do that!"

Ryutaro surprised seeing his friend this angry by his question, "S-sorry, I just remember when he ever kissed you in front of me. I thought he still doing that." He sigh in relief. "So he doesn't ne."

His heart feel stabbed seeing a smile formed on his bestfriend's lip. He again, told another lie.

“I don’t have to worry then. Because though he said that he loves you, you never heeding it right?"

"Hm..mm~" He mumbled an answer while rolled his eyes to the side, unable to reply. “I don’t even attracted to him.”

Ryutaro smiles. “I know. But half of it is because you know I’m in love with him right? You can never betray your friend. You always put other’s feeling above you. It’s kind of you, Yama-chan. I think that’s what Yuri-kun likes about you too.”

Ryosuke feels guilty as Ryutaro innocently said it. Though the truth he somehow betrayed his friend by having a secret relationship with his crush. Not just that, he even used Yuri for his own goal to destroy his own family.

“..I’m not kind, Ryutaro.” He muttered while slurped the last drops of his juice and stand up. "Anyway, let’s go, we've got class waiting."


“Mm..” Ryutaro rub his eyes weakly.

“You already awake?”

“Yama-chan..” He think a moment before look at his empty surrounding and finally come to a sense.

"I..I’m overslept right?"

Ryosuke nod.

"The class already over...? Wuah I haven’t give my report!” A series of realisation hit him. "Wait, why you still here then?!"

“Waiting for you of course. If you awake alone and realize everyone’s gone home, you’ll be shocked right?”


“Besides I prefer the rain could stop before I walk home.”

As he pointed it out, Ryutaro turn to the window and realize the rain has pouring down outside.

"Why? You don't bring any umbrella, Yama-chan?”

“I always bring one. I just don't really like rain." He groaned quietly.


"Nothing. Since you’re awake, I'm heading back ahead okay?" He stood up and heading towards the classroom door.

"Oh right, my uncle said we can start helping the opening by tommorow."

"Tommorow?" He turn back. "Okay then. Make sure to report those to sensei before you going home."

"Okay. I will borrow umbrella from sensei while report it."

He stopped, “You don’t bring umbrella?”


“You can share it with me. I’ll take you home today.”

“Eh? Is it okay?”

"Un. You go report those task, I’ll meet you outside." Ryosuke left the classroom.

As his friend leave the class, Ryutaro smiles bitterly, "That's what I talked about kind, Yama-chan."

For betraying his friend, its the least he could do. And besides it would be good to not walk alone in this kind of weather. Ryosuke thought as he bending to wear on his shoes on the locker section, he's too caught up with his emotion till he doesn't realize someone's shadow behind his back.

"Nii-chan." Someone blew the words right on his ear.

"Whoa..!" He turn his head in shock and begin to recognize the figure. It's the same person whom waiting in front of his school last week.

"What are you doing here?" He stand up, looking annoyed.

"It's suddenly raining when I was on the way and it's nearer to here than to our home. So I thought Nii-chan could share your umbrella with me?"

The older boy sees a bit of water visible on his uniform shoulder and some wetting his hair. He’s obviously not lying.

"Heh.. are you that scared of getting soaked?"

"I have an exam soon, I don't want catching a cold."

Ryosuke frown, he sure keen for this exam. It must be important. But he already promised Ryutaro to take him home.

"Why you so sure I brought an umbrella anyway? What if I don't?"

"How long did you think I've been watching you, Nii-chan?" Yuri smiles softly, just to make Ryosuke skip a beat.

“What the hell are you talking..”

Yuri watch as the older boy turn his red face and take a towel he seems brought for PE class from inside his bag. And he suddenly feel the soft fabric put on his head.

“At least dry yourself first.” Ryosuke moves the towel gently to dry the younger boy's hair, carefully covered his eyes from looking at his face right now. And it seems that Yuri like the warmth as he hold his Nii-chan’s wrist and look up softly at him. Time seems have stop as they looked at each other eyes and nothing could be heard except their own heartbeat that getting louder as they slowly closing the gap between their face.


The sudden interference cause the two boys to stop their movement. Ryutaro approach as he surprised seeing the boy standing beside his friend. "Yu-Yuri-kun!”

Ryosuke quickly moved away, “Ryutaro..um..”

“You don’t say you would bring Yuri-kun today.”

“I don’t..”

Ryutaro leaned his body closer while whispering to him, "Ah I know. You did this for me right, Yama-chan? You know I missed him. That’s why you asked me to go home together."


“Yuri-kun..” Ryutaro turned at him and smiled, “While waiting the rain to stop, how about we stop by the nearest cafe? It just take few minutes from here.”

“No, why should you join our dat--"

“Ahh sure, why don't?” Ryosuke played along.

Yuri looked at him in disagreement while Ryosuke scowled.

“You can go home ahead if you don't want to join."

"...I'm going."

“Yes! Then I have to borrow an umbrella from sensei, since we only have one. Wait a minute okay?” Ryutaro rushed back to the teacher office, leaving the two boys in awkward.

Ryosuke knows very well that Yuri sulk and definitely not happy with the situation. But he knows Yuri relaxed a bit when he take a seat beside him as they arrived at the said cafe while Ryutaro sit in front of them.

"But I'm really surprised. Since when you going home together?"

"No. It’s just a coincidence today its raining.”

“Oh but you usually against it right Yama-chan?”

“Well we can't keep fighting like a kid right and.." Ryosuke thinking hard to not make Ryutaro feel suspicious.


"And.. after all now he's my ..otouto darou? Like you always said."

"Sou ka."

He glanced at Yuri who still looking out of the window, "Yeah..otouto.."

As Ryutaro order some drinks to the waiter that come to their table, Ryosuke finally can relax a bit, he lean his back to the seat and put his hand down. But he accidently touching Yuri hand, as their eyes now meet. And he could feel the younger’s fingers crawl to find its way onto his hand, holding him softly.

What does he think for doing that here? In front of Ryutaro?!

But quite contrast from his thought, he didn't let go and holding it back anyway. After all, if he try lifting his hand to shove his hand off, there's no way Yuri would let go so that Ryutaro would find out that their hand intertwined.

"I ordered three blended coffee for us."

"Eh.. Yeah. It's okay for me."

"Sou da.. Yuri-kun why don't you call me 'Ryutaro nii-chan' too? I'm in the same year with Yama-chan so I'm older than you as well--"

"Iya.. it's special for my Nii-chan only." Yuri cut in. Ryosuke feels his heart fluttering as he heard that.

"Sou ka.." Ryutaro has his head down, hearing a firm rejection from his crush. But then he look up. "Sou desu ne. If you called me that, that means I have no hope to be with you, since we are only brothers. Ne Yama-chan?"

Ryosuke doesn't know what cause his heart suddenly feels weird as he listened to Ryutaro's word. “Y-yeah..” But he abruptly pulled out his hand that makes Yuri look at him.

As they got out from the cafe, Ryosuke sharing his umbrella with Yuri while Ryutaro walking step ahead.


"What?" He sounded a bad mood.

"Why don't you tell him the truth?"

"Like I can."

"You will tell him sooner or later."

Ryosuke turn angrily at him, “Why you so persistent? Ryutaro yield today just so you can get the umbrella share. Yet you so mean to him.”

Yuri sigh, “..you don’t know my feeling.”

“What are you talking about?" He frown, "Anyway this is not the right time to tell him.”

"Well then.. how about make him find out himself?"

"What do you mean--?"

As he turn his face, Yuri titled his upper body to get in front of him and reach Ryosuke lips with his own lips. Ryosuke eyes widen as he push him makes the younger one fall onto the puddle below.

“Stop the hell out of it!"

Ryutaro turning around hearing the yelling, "What happened?" He quickly approach them.

"Daijobu ka Yuri-kun?" He tried to help Yuri but the lad just silent and slowly stand up by himself. He then walk the other way around and leaving the place.


"Let him be Ryutaro!"


"He's fine! He should stop being so selfish!" He can't believe that Yuri would be this selfish by trying to kiss him when Ryutaro around, when he finally act soften towards him and let him do as he please.



"Ohayou Ryosuke."

"Ohayou.." He answered quietly as he take his seat on the next day's breakfast. His eyes gaze to the still-empty chair beside his.

His father notice the empty chair too. "Where's Yuri? It's rare to see him late in the morning."

Mrs. Yamada turn her back from the kitchen, "Ah don't worry honey. He already ate his breakfast in his room."

"Eh? In his room?"

"He's kinda getting fever. Remember he's all wet when he's arrived home yesterday? It must be because of that. And I told him to bring umbrella in the morning but he didn't listen. Now he asked me to tell his school that he's going to absent today. That son of mine..." His wife informed while sighing as she put an omelette to the dining table.

Mr. Yamada closed his newspaper, "Is he alright?"

"I'm going to deliver this medicine to him."

But before his mother take it, Ryosuke suddenly grab those medicine and walking upstairs without saying a word.

The parents blink their eyes for seconds.

"I forgot to say.. that Yuri will recover a day if he rest today."

She said then smile to her husband and they giggles together.

"He's worried. He want to deliver those medicine by himself." Mr.Yamada laughed.

Mrs. Yamada smiled, "He still hasn't accept me. But I'm glad seeing he somehow care about his brother."

"Maybe that trip was useful after all ne~"



As he open the room, he can see him inside the blanket, laying on his stomach.

"Arigatou Ka-san, just put it there. I'll eat it later."

"Here's your medicine but I'm not your mother."


Ryosuke put it on the bedside table then slowly sat on the floor while facing the bed. The room drown in silence. The truth is, he indeed feels guilty. It must be because he getting soaked and went home without umbrella yesterday that he got fever. But he's not gonna apologize. It's his fault to almost break the rules.

He heard Yuri cough a bit as he lifted his chin up.

“Daijobu ka? Want me to hold your hand?"

Ryosuke shocked to himself for what he just said. But he could see Yuri not moving his head nor his body to answer. Maybe this time he really upset.

But as he want to take back what he said, a hand suddenly stretched out from inside the blanket.


Yuri finally turn his face around and look confusedly at him. "..? You're the one who asked for it."

Ryosuke blush while thinking how cute the scene before him.

Slowly his hand found the other's hand and they hold onto each other. Somehow he could see Yuri's expression relaxed because of it.

"You won't go to school today, Nii-chan?"

"I'm going. Ryutaro ask me to help--" Ryosuke stop and cover his mouth with his free hand while looking away.

Yuri look at him. "So even after we're dating, Nii-chan still choose him instead of me ne?"

"Well aren't you just the same? You ignored me for some time for an exam that your mother love very much."

"For Ka-san?" Yuri raised a brow. "It's not about it. If I don't pass that exam, I couldn't attend Valentine with you."

Ryosuke blinks. What?

"Our math teacher seemingly an anti-Valentine person, so she told us whoever fail on the next exam, will has an extra class on the exact 14th February."

"Wait, you meant you will also coming to that event?"

Yuri frown at the comment, "There’s no way I will let you go alone with Morimoto-kun right?"

Ryosuke blinks more. So that is why he being so worked up for this exam all the time?


The older got out from his thought and looked away, "D-do you need anything else before I go?"

"Hm.. Maybe a kiss."

Ryosuke blush and Yuri lips pulled into a wide smile. Seeing the nice reaction from the older boy, lulling him to sleep not long after consuming the medicine.

When Ryosuke realize the boy has sleep and about to release his hold, Yuri's hand holding him tight, like he doesn't want him to let it go.

Ryosuke stare at him.

‘Choose him over Ryutaro huh?‘

  Maybe he can? Just for today?

Conscious of what he feels this time, he ran his hand through Yuri's silky hair and his lips slowly leaning down to meet with his stepbrother’s lip.



To be continued..

Hi minna-san. Genki desu ka? ^^ Finally I can post the update of this story. Hope you enjoy it minna. And thanks for still reading it. I do feel happy if you also leave your comments :D

fanfic, yamachii

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