"She's a Brick and I'm Drowning Slowly"

Jul 15, 2007 10:45

mmmm Ben Folds : )

its been a while since ive updated this journal-the more i get older, the more i realize that im just too tired to update everyone on my life and whats going on in my head. I have a hard enough time sorting it all out myself i cant see how someone else could do it better lol.

last u guys heard i was getting over john-living with an oxyhead for a room mate who's boyfriend i HATE aaaaaaaaand working a dead end job! yeah! makes me sound like a fuking looser lol

well, im really ok with john now-ive accepted it and its odd to say but i miss his friendship....in no means do i miss what he did to me, but in a way i wish i could have just kept it at friendship cuz he was a cool guy in that and only that aspect-he's an asshole otherwise

i should have seen it coming but oh well.

im still single and plan on being single for a while, its nice but im still battling some huge self issues and i know i gotta do it solo. Nichole moved in with me, i got laid off : ) turned 21 (fuk yes!)got a new job in issaquah working at a car dealership, decided to just be a temp here till i move down to seattle in november BY MYSELF THANKYOU lol.....NO more room mates-too many psycho's and dumb bitches out there to even take a chance rooming with anyone again lol.
decided what i want to go to school for so im going to wait till i move and get settled in to start scholing so i can focus. got a new car finally-an acura integra : ) my kitten is cute as eeever-he's the most savage kitten EVER! he beats the other 2 cats asses all the fuking time and its hilarious to watch lol

and ive made a really good friend....his name is Suda and he's hilarious and so much fun to kick it with. A couple weeks ago we went to Los Angeles and went to a party with 25,000 people, tons of awesome headliners were DJ'ing there
ABove and Beyond
John 00 Flemming
Deep Dish
Hernan Cantanneo
Stanton Warriors'
Infected Mushrom LIVE

and a ton more-there was a huge carnival setup THROUGHOUT the party and it was the best night of my life-not to mention it was open bar so free drinks all night long : D!
we went to Universal Studios too a few days later and on our way back we were getting off the plan in the SeaTac airport and who was standing right outside the gate waiting ot get on our plane we just got off?!!?!


dude, that was the PERFECT ending to a perfect trip!!!!! We got a picture with him and shook his hand and he was really really nicee with a hott accent too hehe!

life's just been awesome! the 2 month break from work was so relaxing and allowed me to do all the things adn thinking done that i wanted to and i got to visit a ton of people that i never had the time to when i was working and NOW im working alot again which is nice cuz i wanna get back into the swing of my chaotic life lol

other than that, nothing more has gone on i dont think

USC 10 this weekend with pendulum and Rabbit in the Moon and Paul Van Dyke and Bassnectar! im going to go there for a little bit but i work weekends now and im not gonna stay out tooooo late, i refuse to yardsail the job haha

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