Feb 21, 2006 09:39
i am very tired of going to classes and doing homework and things like that. i have been very good and done all my homework ahead of time this whole year and it's getting very stupid. also apparently this post was autosaved at 9:40:03AM because it is sooooo cool and important. last night will slept in my bed and i slept in the top bunk and i learned that heat rises. actually i didn't learn it, i felt it. i didn't feel it rise, i just felt the heat up there in general. which was sad but less sad than it being cold all the time which it was before. also less sad than the dream i had last night that involved a guy trying to rape me and kill my family and burgle all of our things. he was really uncool. i hate my dreams.
i want to buy a lot of things but so far i haven't found anything in specific that i want to buy. stuff is really stupid and none of it is cool. i am very excited for someday when it is very sunny and i will lie in the sun and read or sleep. kate tried to check out life of pi for me yesterday but somebody had done that already for themselves, and not for me, so i can't read it yet.
i am also tired of our kitchen smelling sort of weird all the time. i don't really plan on doing anything about it, at least not regularly, but it is annoying. i am getting a haircut on march 14 though. and in april i can get a new cell phone for free. i want to buy one now because of how i want to buy things, but it would be a stupid thing to do because i can wait two months and not have to pay. mine is sort of broken though. but also i broke it a week after i got it, like two years ago so i guess that is just too bad. now i will go to the stupid classes that i am so sick of but am going to anyway. ps, i haven't missed any classes all year. most of you probably can't appreciate that, but i used to not go to class a lot and it was fun and i wish i could do it now.