Movies of 2009:
The Bucket List. 1/5. Unconvincingly enough we are led to believe that a rich hospital owner played by Jack Nicholson-who rally actually looks like he's about to die of cancer- and a poor mechanic played by God aka Morgan Freedman-who has never looked healthier- share a room in said owned hospital and become friends because they are both given 6 months to live, Rich Man takes Poor Man on a round-the-world adventure and Poor Man understands what's really important in life (hint:it's not money-I know revolutionary cinema-) and then they both...well I don't want to spoil it. I like that John Mayer song at the end credits though so that gives the movie a 1/5.
2. Wanted 3/5.
Fight Club +
Office Space X
The Matrix +
Angelina Jolie - Coolness =
WantedI don't know if the blatant copies of the Office Cake Party and the Fight Club narration and Swedish furniture is a rip off or a tribute, you know? It was a good action movie and oh Angelina is so H0tt when she furrows her brow, purses her lips, and bends over a car shooting at people.
Yeah I'm back! This is going to be so sweet.