(no subject)

May 21, 2006 16:01

Patchouli is the best bird ever. He needs to quit being so shy, though, and let Zoe and I play with him more. I've been feeding him out of my hand with some millet (which birds enjoy as a treat). Here's a picture that Zoe took, but there will probably be more to come!

The sad thing is that he gets pretty lonely since I'm away at work most of the weekend (and Zoe likes to go home) so he gets all chirpy and lonely when I go into the other room when I come back. He loves us, haha! Ahh, we are bird dorks now.

In other news, I am pretty much forced to get a new job due to two incompetants (that are a vital "asset" due to family ties) that will be also taking up cashiering. This means that I'll have to alternate with the other two regular cashiers, and I will end up working only one day every week. This will not cut it if I am to pay rent. Therefore, I am applying to a few places and hopefully somebody realizes how awesome I am.

My online class is exciting since I'm learning so much about Adobe Photoshop CS2. This will be of much use once I actually start 3D-lizing my work in the future. Otherwise, it will help with any other art I do as well. Speaking of that, I have a new idea for a comic series. Sure, I have about 4 others floating around my brain, but this one seems like a real possibility. The Adventures of hardline industrial DJ Das Kreestof! (No, that will not be the title.)
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