Jan 07, 2010 13:18
Gahh 4 months since my last update. Might as well get started..
I started to order WizKids stuff off eBay once I found out that Topps dropped that line last year, mostly Pirates of the Spanish Main, MechWarrior, and the Star Wars sets.
I found a nice deal online for a Rock Band 1 SE box that came with Rock Band 2 and the AC/DC expansion for $70. I placed the order and took the Rock Band 1 and AC/DC expansion out and pulled all the songs off them. I decided to give the Rock Band 1 SE to my sister Family for Christmas and the Rock Band 2 game to Maer’s kids for Christmas.
I received a lot of packages over the month from all the orders I placed. I also bought a few more Battletech cards.
I received an email from Rin on the 2nd with some sad news that Stacy had passed away from Cancer on 9/30. It was a bit of a shock for me I hadn’t talk to her in awhile. Last I heard she was doing well after her last treatment. She will be greatly missed by all that knew her.
I started Christmas shopping after deciding on what I was going to do with the Rock Band 1 SE setup I ordered. I had a good idea for the majority of the people I needed to get gifts for I just needed to go out and get them.
Maer and Meghan came down on the 13th. We went to eat out at Applebee’s on Meghan’s birthday and found out that they had new manager and our favorite waitress was fired because of a technicality. We watched a lot of movies during their time here too. G-Force (one about gerbils not the anime) which was a bit disappointing, 1409 which wasn’t that bad but a little strange, 13 Ghosts, From Hell (horror theme going on here), and UP which was pretty amusing and one of Pixar’s best movies.
I received a call from my mom that my Great Uncle passed away in his sleep on the 20th. It was a bit sudden since there was no illness that we were aware of. I wasn’t able to make it to the funeral either since it was on the day I was going to be in Evansville.
Lane a new friend of Maers from Texas was going to drive all the way up to Fort Wayne and then drive us down to Evansville the next day. The trip down wasn’t too bad a bid crowed with all the stuff we were taking but a nice drive down.
Willard was pretty good this year there seemed to be a lot of measurable activity captured by a lot of people/equipment. I think the majority of it was because we had the library to ourselves since the main groups that were invited never showed up. The following night we were invited by a group that was at the library to go to a local cemetery that had a bad reputation because of a unique circle formation of 8 headstones. It turned out that the headstones were Civil War Veterans and from the info we could find the circle is usually where unknown soldiers were buried.
After we got back from Evansville we watched paranormal activity it was an ok movie although it would have been scarier I think if they didn’t make the entity a demon.
We played a new game I found Mysteries of the Titanic another search and find puzzle type game. It was a pretty interesting game but very short we only had a problem with 1 puzzle but figured it out after awhile.
On Halloween I pulled out the decoration box I found up in the attic and sorted the Halloween stuff out, but only ended up using the ghost on the front door. We were invited by the neighbors to sit outside with them while handing out candy. We didn’t have too many trick-or-treaters though because of the cold, but they did have a fire set up outside to keep us warm.
The 2nd season of Wolf and Spice 2 came out recently and we watched all if it. I like this series a lot it is a genre you don’t see very much and it is pretty refreshing to watch. We also watched Wild Wild West it has been a long time since I’ve watched this Wil Smith movie.
At one point I picked up a game called Midnight Mysteries: The Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy. It was another one of those “find it” puzzle type games and pretty interesting since it correlated a lot with Poe’s writings. I also found another puzzle “find it” game called Season of Mystery: The Cherry Blossom Murders. This one was pretty interesting based in Japan but was a too simple and short. Maer also bought Dragon Age at this time and I loaded it up on my PC so we could play it on the projector it was a pretty interesting game very story driven and the combat portion can be simple to very intricate based on how you want to play.
On the 15th I went to Bear Creek Farms for my dad’s side of the family’s Thanksgiving and the last week my grandma was going to be here before she goes down to Florida to stay for the winter.
The week before Thanksgiving we started watching the 6 Harry Potter movies. It has been awhile since I’ve watched them and Maer and Meg have not seen them all yet. I hadn’t seen the 6th movie either and it wasn’t too bad I think they did a good job cutting out the portions that really had no bearing on the main story.
Maer and Meg left for just before Thanksgiving.
I had a 4 day weekend over the Thanksgiving Holiday and pretty much did the normal family rounds. Going to my grandma’s Thanksgiving morning to help set everything up for her and had lunch there. My Brother called from Japan and I was able to talk to him for awhile everyone is going well there. Then I went over to my sister Andrea’s place for the afternoon/evening to spend some time there since my other sister Emily was in town for the weekend with her husband Scott. We ended up playing apples to apples Junior which was pretty fun with 8-10 people playing.
That weekend I went out to eat and shopping in Fort Wayne with my sisters and rest of the family. I bought the rest of my Christmas gifts for my brother but ended up leaving them in my sisters H2 so I had to drive back down to her place and ended up playing apples to apples junior and spoons again.
At the beginning of the month I came down with a pretty bad cold and had to take a sick day off from work. During this time I came across the Axis and Allies miniature game and decided to check out the Sea Battle Set so I ordered a Starter and 2 boosters then after that I ordered the majority of the pieces I was missing from that set.
At one point I received a Christmas card from ArenaNet (makers of Guild Wars). It was pretty cool and was signed by the developers with a post card inside that had concept art for GW2 and signed by the artist too.
I had the 18th to January 3rd off from work and didn’t do too much but rest and do the family holiday stuff.
On the 19th a Christian book store that is nearby my place had closed and they were auctioning off everything inside. My Sister and brother-in law where they and they bought about 10+ round tables and 40+ chairs for a friend of my brother-in law who needed them. Since I lived nearby they called me to help load up a moving truck with all the table and chairs. During the loading I helped a lady who got her van stuck in the snow in the parking lot. After that I took my brother-in law home since my sister left before hand because the kids were getting bored. We were having my Dad’s side of the family’s Christmas at their house that day anyways. Of the gifts I got everyone the Civil War book I got for my uncle Nick was pretty popular. I received money as gifts which I used to buy Dragon Age and Fall Out 3. I also found out more about the dog attack my dad was in. Apparently the neighbors did go to court and they were charged $55 for each animal they did not have vaccinated and had to pay restitution to Dad (which will never happen see following). Shortly after this the owner of the house that my Dad’s neighbors were renting/living in asked if he had seen them recently since they didn’t pay rent and they apparently just disappeared one day. The funny part is they asked him if he was interested in buying the property for $58k which is way too high. The house is in horrible shape half the roof is caved in most of the inside has been gutted there is no foundation and the septic tank is almost nonexistent and not legal. Basically whoever buys the land would have to demolish the house and start over again so it really is only worth the amount of the land which would be about $10k.
Christmas Eve I went back over to my sisters for my Brenda’s side of the family’s Christmas. I played some sports Wii and got a Christmas moose figure from my niece. On Christmas Day I went back over to my sisters for our immediate family’s Christmas. It turned out they wouldn’t be able to use the Rock Band game I got them because they only have an Xbox and not a 360. After that I went over to my Grandma’s place for my Mom’s side of the family’s Christmas. I helped set up everything for grandma before everyone arrived and found out that 2 of my cousins are expecting babies next year. One of my cousins brought their DS with the Scribblenauts game. It is a pretty amusing game where you type in any word like chainsaw and a chainsaw appears on the screen for your character to use however they want. The gifts I got for Christmas were money, various gift cards, Japanese wood block print book, Sherlock Holmes book, New Door Bell (for basement), & Lost Crown (PC game).
Just before Christmas I found out that a new MechWarrior game was going to be released for beta testing on the 26th. The game is a free mod for Crysis and is called MechWarrior Living Legends. I’ve been keeping an eye on their progress for a year now (they have been working on it for 3 years) and it is a really cool game. So on the 26th I went out with the money and gift cards I got for Christmas and bought Crysis just so I can play this mod. I’ve been playing the game ever since there are still some bugs to it but it is a beta release so they are still working on it.
I didn’t end up doing too much on New Year’s eve/day mostly relaxing and sorting out all my MechWarrior cards/Pirate cards/MechWarrior Clix, Star Wars cards, & Axis and Allies miniatures.
I started back to work on the 4th with some changes that may or may not be good but will see in time. That pretty much is all that has been going on with me at least from what I can remember. I’ll try to update more often but that tends to not happen. LOL. I hope everyone is doing well and had a nice Holiday.