Apr 19, 2007 12:09
Well it has been a good 3 months since I last updated in here. Lots of things going on and I just haven’t had much time to post anything. Let me see not much happened through the rest of January. In February my Neon's engine froze up right before a trip I was going to take up to Grand Rapids Michigan. So I went out and got a rental car to use for the trip and till I found a new car. After I came back from the trip I looked for a new car and bought a 2003 Ford Focus with a 3 year warranty. It is turning out to be a pretty nice car it has a sunroof, a nice radio/sound system, and the best thing is the cruise control that works. It had 54,000 miles on it and I get about 25 MPG.
Not too much happened in March. My 30th birthday was on the 8th I didn't do to much that day since it was in the middle of the week. At one point during this month I received a real estate ad in the mail and browsed through some of the houses. This led me to look at an online site to see what houses were available in the Fort Wayne area and have been browsing through them on a regular basis. Work was pretty much the same up till the end of March when management was drastically changed and our department was re-organized. My new supervisor is now the person I took over for when they hired me full time in and we have a new department Manager who seems to actually care about what is going on. As one person in our department said they have seen/talked to our new manager more in one week then they did the previous one who was there for 3 years. So hopefully things will be easier and less stressful on that side.
This leads me into April. Things were fairly quite the job was working out well and I was getting used to the new process and such. I may have found a house that I am interested in looking at but will have to check the neighborhood out first. But the main thing this month was the shooting at Virginia Tech. One of my sisters (Emily) goes to that college for Arts/Architecture. Luckily she was off campus at the time on a "Field trip" in another state viewing a famous French Architecture’s house. So she is safe and seems to be taking it well she didn't know any of the victims, but some of her classes were in the buildings in that area.
That pretty much hits most of the main things going on in my life. I have been watching some new shows that I am enjoying. The main one is Supernatural (Thanks for the recommendation Rich). It is a really well put together show and the main actors work well together. I would highly recommend everyone to check this show out. I have already watched all of the first season and up to the current episode in the second season which will be airing tonight. I also watched 300 and was very impressed on how accurate a lot of the things were in the movie right down to a lot of small details i.e. (shield designs to the type of currency the Spartans used). Although there were some small annoying in-accuracies, but it did not deter the movie as a whole. The effects and images in some scenes were also very beautifully done too. Over all it was a very enjoyable movie to watch. During this time I also finished watching Torchwood a BBC sci-fi drama oriented towards an older age group. It is a spin off of the new Doctor Who series and is very well done I would recommend giving this series a look at as well although some things may make a little more sense if you watch the new Doctor Who episodes first. Which leads into the 3rd season of the new Doctor Who show which started airing a few weeks ago. The new “sidekick” seems to be working out well especially after the 3rd episode (which puts Doctor Who as the #1 TV series with the most episodes ever made 727 beating out all the Star Trek episodes with 726).
On the anime front I have been watching the standard shows like One Piece, Bleach, Death Note, and Naruto. But there are some new ones that I have been watching that are pretty good Jigoku Shoujo & Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori (season 2), Ghost Hunt, and Inukami.
Well better get back to things will try to post a bit more frequent or at least comment more if I can, but I won’t guarantee anything. The best way to get a hold of me is on YIM or MSN if anyone wants to chat.