So I'm in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai. My dad and I have been planning for about a year and a half to go to Europe. But with his current health problems we decided it would be best if we didn't. He doesn't really have enough strength to do a hiking vacation and staying in hostels. And he gets sick usually once a week, not really ideal for being on a tour bus. So we decided to go to Hawaii instead.
I flew in last Sunday. My dad and I are staying with some friends, Dyana and her daughter Malea. It's been a pretty cheap vacation considering I haven't had to pay for hotel, and most of my meals have been provided to me. Because of Dyana's work schedule and Malea's school schedule we've been around the house a lot, but we've still been able to get out and see the island.
I'll probably be sticking to just Kauai, while I'd like to go to some of the other islands it's a bit cost and time prohibitive. That and I don't mind just hanging around here enjoying the beaches and weather.
I've got a bunch of pictures up you can view
here. I'm still working on getting all the pictures labeled properly, so bear with me. :-p