Много впечатляющих видео запощено. Вот, например:
This demo is insane.
A student shares their iPad screen with the new ChatGPT + GPT-4o, and the AI speaks with them and helps them learn in *realtime*.
Imagine giving this to every student in the world.
The future is so, so bright.
pic.twitter.com/t14M4fDjwV- Mckay Wrigley (@mckaywrigley)
May 13, 2024Немного смешно "You are close". Там что ни назови - любой ответ будет close. Но преподаватели так и говорят, так что что уж.
Или вот видео:
OpenAI has just demonstrated its new GPT-4o model doing real-time translations 🤯
pic.twitter.com/Cl0gp9v3kN- Tom Warren (@tomwarren)
May 13, 2024Или вот:
Introducing GPT-4o, our new model which can reason across text, audio, and video in real time.
It's extremely versatile, fun to play with, and is a step towards a much more natural form of human-computer interaction (and even human-computer-computer interaction):
pic.twitter.com/VLG7TJ1JQx- Greg Brockman (@gdb)
May 13, 2024Или вот:
GPT-4o is insane stuff, it will help blind people 10x times in their life.
pic.twitter.com/TDlLGvEEat- Uttkarsh Singh (@Uttupaaji)
May 14, 2024И вот это, кстати, преувеличение, но отчасти верно:
https://t.co/2hOwT37uPr pic.twitter.com/GvrNeSzWUr- bayes (@bayeslord)
May 13, 2024 Эта запись в DW: