Galaxy level bullshittery

Sep 27, 2020 16:28

Отличная цепочка твитов от Pwnn All The Things. Я ее приведу целиком: "My opponent is senile and unable to perform basic human tasks like giving a speech, but also must be on performance-enhancing drugs because no human could achieve his ability at performing basic tasks like giving a speech"

It's all part of the heads-I-win-tails-you-lose reality distortion bubble for the base. "He is dumb and senile because I made a supercut of him stumbling over a word, but when you see any counterevidence of that claim, it is actually a conspiracy, don't believe your own eyes"

All of it is like this. All of it. That's what it's for.

E.g. "My opponent is an anarchist who wants to tear down government, but also a big-state socialist who loves big government, idk, throwing mud here, pick whichever one scares you most to justify your vote for me"

"Democrats actually hate Catholics which is a slippery slope to abolishing religion entirely, but also if you happen to hate Catholics and other religions, hey, Joe Biden is a Catholic and I'll also ban Muslims, so take your pick, whatever works, I don't care just want your vote"

"Democrats are bad because they made me shut down the economy, but also I am great because I shut down the economy faster than anyone, but also we should reopen it immediately, except that if doing so is bad I expressly disavow all blame which should be directed at the governors"

Hate Obamacare? Awesome, I abolished it because I am great. But also you need to vote for me so I can abolish it. And if you like bits of it, actually I did those bits. And my replacement is amazing, awesome, and invisible, so please read into it whatever things you want it to be

Just galaxylevel bullshittery on every single thing and amazingly somehow it works on people.
Вот это "so take your pick, whatever works, I don't care just want your vote", это самая суть и есть.

Конечно, цитируемый автор далеко не первый, кто это отмечает. Например, два года назад я приводил твит Benjy Sarlin: This thread [о споре трампистов о Q] is amazing, but it points to a broader schism in the base that’s unique to Trump: People who love him and will believe anything he says versus people who love him because they think he’s strategically lying to enact some hidden agenda.

This goes beyond just conspiracy theory land. For every person I met in 2016 who couldn’t wait to build the wall, another thought it was just a symbolic slogan, and another who thought it was a bargaining chip for some big deal, etc etc etc.
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