"Far Left" и Сирия

Apr 12, 2018 11:25

Левые, как Cenk Uygur, и правые, как Tucker Carlson, единым фронтом выступают против ракетных ударов по Асаду. Ну, "единым фронтом" -- это преувеличение, наверное, но и те, и другие, выступают против.

Я перепечатаю Chris Hayes, с которым я согласен. То, что я согласен с ним, а не с Ченком, наверное, доказывает, что довольно ridiculous называть меня "far left" (недавно обсуждалось).

Я, правда, и Cenk Uygur не считаю "far left", хотя он левее, чем центр левых, конечно. А уж Tucker Carlson, по-моему, не просто не "far right", а самый мейнстрим правый по нынешним временам.

В общем, Chris Hayes: Let's get something straight about the US bombing and or striking Syria. The US has been bombing *the absolute crap* out of Syria for years. It just hasn't been attacking Assad. (Though there was recently a pretty damn deadly skirmish w Russian mercenaries supporting Assad)

Those bombing raids in Syria have resulted in thousands of civilian casualties. Civilian casualty rates were distressingly high under Obama but have, according to all indications, accelerated markedly under Trump.

In fact, the acceleration of bombing and civilian casualties in Syria, is in line with a broader trend: in basically every theatre of US military activity - Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan - Trump has increased deadly strikes, while relaxing rules of engagement.

In other words Trump has *already been waging deadly war in the middle east*. Since the day he took office! So if you're preening about your "anti-war" position because you don't want Trump to strike Assad, but ***have been silent*** about all that, then you're not "anti-war"

And the idea that the opposition to strikes against Assad is such a defining moral question it excuses explicitly joining forces with reactionaries and white nationalists, is, to my mind, misguided, to put it mildly.
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