Статья, на которую Вы сослались в "USA Today", -- это публикация в разделе "Opinion". Как Вам известно, статьи в этом разделе отображают мнение ее авторов, которое вполне может и противоречить позиции редакции газеты.
Эта статья написана автором James S. Robbins. Какой это "совершенно не трампист" можно судить, например, по его Твиттеру.
Я не могу быть уверен в том, знали Вы или нет, кто такой James S. Robbins. Но когда Вы писали "USA Today пишет", Вы не могли не знать, что ссылаетесь на статью из "opinion". То есть Вы сознательно врали, рассчитывая обмануть тех, кто прочитает Ваш комментарий в моем журнале и не станет разбираться в каком разделе статья и кто ее написал.
Вы вот таким образом врете не первый, не второй и не десятый раз. Сегодня я Вас забаню. Пока на неделю. Больше так не делайте.
Я с Брайтбартом знаком плохо -- мне там либеральные колонки не попадались, но уверено сказать, что их там нет, я не могу.
На Fox News были либеральные комментаторы (хотя и очень мало), и сейчас есть, наверное, -- по крайней мере один человек есть точно. Собственно передача Хэннити когда-то называлась "Hannity and Combs" и имела второго ведущего либеральных взглядов, Combs.
Ал Франкен в свое время смешно писал про Hannity & Combs в книжке "Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them".
For those of you unfamiliar with the Hannity and Colmes dynamic, it's a conservative-versusliberal talking head show, kind of a combination between Crossfire and a Harlem Globetrotters game. Hannity spins around on the floor, dribbling behind his back, tossing alley-oops to Peggy Noonan and Bill Bennett. Colmes, the lone Washington General, stumbles around confused until Ollie North hits him in the face with a bucket of confetti. So there you have it. <...> To give you some idea of the show's fair balance, I picked a representative episode: the broadcast immediately following President Bush's 2003 State of the Union address. The point-counterpoint pretty much broke down like this: "This is a big vision. This is a bold agenda!" vs. "President Bush did a magnificent job!" Quick. Which one of the critical sentiments was expressed by the liberal? If you guessed "magnificent job," you're a winner. And you know what's also a winner? Fair and balanced news coverage. The show's first guest that day, former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan, was struck with how, like Churchill, Bush seemed imbued with a special destiny. Hannity gushed: HANNITY: There were two lines that we just played that I really loved in the speech. That "we will not ignore, we will not pass along our problems to other Congresses, other presidents, other generations. We'll focus on them with clarity and courage." NOONAN: We will do it now. We won't pass off to anyone else. We'll do it now. I think "do it now" was a strong kind of sub-theme in the whole speech. I got to tell you this was a big and powerful and important speech.
Lost in all the talk about not passing problems off to future generations was that Bush was passing off to future generations a projected ten-year deficit of $1.8 trillion dollars on top of the existing $6.4 trillion national debt. (Since then, the projected ten-year deficit has risen to $4 trillion.) That might have been something for Colmes, representing the liberal side, to comment on. Instead, he asked Peggy if there were any great lines in the speech that might live on in the public memory. Thanks for manning the barricades, Alan. <...> It makes sense that Sean Hannity is the alpha male to Alan Colmes's zeta male. After all, Hannity got to pick his li'l partner himself. Roger Ailes, who has a real eye for talent, personally chose the telegenic, soon-to-be superstar Hannity to head up a show in prime time on his newly created Fox News Channel. According to The New York Times, the show's working title was Hannity and Liberal to be Determined. After Hannity, a self-described "archconservative," chose Colmes, the former stand-up comedian and self-described "moderate" ("I'm quite moderate," he told a USA Today reporter), Colmes and his lawyer demanded that the name of the show be changed. It would be the last argument that Colmes would ever win.
То USA Today пишет, что расследование Мюллера надо приостановить, пока мы не проверим его команду.
Если такие добропорядочные, совершенно не трампистские издания вдруг...
Как бы Вы отнеслись к утверждению "Fox News Debunks Uranium One Conspiracy Theories"? И это куда менее лживое утверждение, чем то, которое сделали Вы.
Статья, на которую Вы сослались в "USA Today", -- это публикация в разделе "Opinion". Как Вам известно, статьи в этом разделе отображают мнение ее авторов, которое вполне может и противоречить позиции редакции газеты.
Эта статья написана автором James S. Robbins. Какой это "совершенно не трампист" можно судить, например, по его Твиттеру.
Я не могу быть уверен в том, знали Вы или нет, кто такой James S. Robbins. Но когда Вы писали "USA Today пишет", Вы не могли не знать, что ссылаетесь на статью из "opinion". То есть Вы сознательно врали, рассчитывая обмануть тех, кто прочитает Ваш комментарий в моем журнале и не станет разбираться в каком разделе статья и кто ее написал.
Вы вот таким образом врете не первый, не второй и не десятый раз. Сегодня я Вас забаню. Пока на неделю. Больше так не делайте.
На Fox News были либеральные комментаторы (хотя и очень мало), и сейчас есть, наверное, -- по крайней мере один человек есть точно. Собственно передача Хэннити когда-то называлась "Hannity and Combs" и имела второго ведущего либеральных взглядов, Combs.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Hannity and Colmes dynamic, it's a conservative-versusliberal talking head show, kind of a combination between Crossfire and a Harlem Globetrotters game. Hannity spins around on the floor, dribbling behind his back, tossing alley-oops to Peggy Noonan and Bill Bennett. Colmes, the lone Washington General, stumbles around confused until Ollie North hits him in the face with a bucket of confetti. So there you have it. <...>
To give you some idea of the show's fair balance, I picked a representative episode: the broadcast immediately following President Bush's 2003 State of the Union address. The point-counterpoint pretty much broke down like this: "This is a big vision. This is a bold agenda!" vs. "President Bush did a magnificent job!" Quick. Which one of the critical sentiments was expressed by the liberal? If you guessed "magnificent job," you're a winner. And you know what's also a winner? Fair and balanced news coverage. The show's first guest that day, former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan, was struck with how, like Churchill, Bush seemed imbued with a special destiny. Hannity gushed:
HANNITY: There were two lines that we just played that I really loved in the speech. That "we will not ignore, we will not pass along our problems to other Congresses, other presidents, other generations. We'll focus on them with clarity and courage."
NOONAN: We will do it now. We won't pass off to anyone else. We'll do it now. I think "do it now" was a strong kind of sub-theme in the whole speech. I got to tell you this was a big and powerful and important speech.
Lost in all the talk about not passing problems off to future generations was that Bush was passing off to future generations a projected ten-year deficit of $1.8 trillion dollars on top of the existing $6.4 trillion national debt. (Since then, the projected ten-year deficit has risen to $4 trillion.) That might have been something for Colmes, representing the liberal side, to comment on. Instead, he asked Peggy if there were any great lines in the speech that might live on in the public memory. Thanks for manning the barricades, Alan. <...>
It makes sense that Sean Hannity is the alpha male to Alan Colmes's zeta male. After all, Hannity got to pick his li'l partner himself. Roger Ailes, who has a real eye for talent, personally chose the telegenic, soon-to-be superstar Hannity to head up a show in prime time on his newly created Fox News Channel. According to The New York Times, the show's working title was Hannity and Liberal to be Determined. After Hannity, a self-described "archconservative," chose Colmes, the former stand-up comedian and self-described "moderate" ("I'm quite moderate," he told a USA Today reporter), Colmes and his lawyer demanded that the name of the show be changed. It would be the last argument that Colmes would ever win.
Он не может не врать - заветы доктора Геббельса не велят.
В общем, даже левые рассадники fake news единым фронтом встали на защиту честного Трампа от коррумпированного Мюллера.
Совсем Арбат в какой-то цирк скатился.
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