All lives matter!

Jan 30, 2017 20:57

( via alienor_sm)

Reince Priebus Defends Holocaust Statement That Failed to Mention Jews: Amid protests and legal challenges over President Trump’s immigration order, the White House also found itself on the defensive this weekend about a normally routine statement about International Holocaust Remembrance Day that drew criticism and scorn.

The statement Read more... )

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Comments 42

Вопрос как к бывшему букмекеру scholar_vit January 31 2017, 03:03:20 UTC
Over/under на то, как быстро в комментариях появится а идише поц еврей-трампист, с пеной у рта защищающий это решение?


yakov_a_jerkov January 31 2017, 03:08:09 UTC
Думаю, на полчаса можно принимать больше/меньше :)

Вообще, раз на раз не приходится. Может, в этот раз трампистов и не будет, посмотрим.


alexanderr January 31 2017, 03:21:56 UTC
а вот интересно, кто "gone" более "far", украинские трамписты или еврейские? кто из них более безнадежен?


yakov_a_jerkov January 31 2017, 03:34:10 UTC
Украинские, конечно. Впрочем, их раз, два и обчелся.


tijd January 31 2017, 03:28:41 UTC
Теперь администрация валит сочинение заявления про Холокост на Бориса Эпштейна, "special assistant to the president".

А Эпштейн не виноват, что у него совковые родители.

"Now let's talk about the larger issue at hand. Again, first of all, you -- Russia did not seize Crimea. We could talk about the conflict that happened between the Ukraine and the Crimea, the ongoing conflict where there was no seizure by Russia."


yakov_a_jerkov January 31 2017, 03:36:04 UTC


zlobnyi_karlik January 31 2017, 04:07:07 UTC
“an incredibly inclusive group" - не сомневаюсь. особенно после того, как Трамповская инаугурация оказалась самой-самой большой за всю историю по численности публики.


yakov_a_jerkov January 31 2017, 04:10:49 UTC
Да, это смешно on many levels.


ext_2946503 January 31 2017, 08:19:49 UTC
International Holocaust Remembrance Day ... commemorates the genocide that resulted in the death of an estimated 6 million Jewish people, 200,000 Romani people, 250,000 mentally and physically disabled people, and 9,000 homosexual men by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005.

Yom HaShoah ... is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany and its accessories, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. In Israel, it is a national memorial day. It was inaugurated in 1953


yakov_a_jerkov January 31 2017, 17:05:02 UTC
Так Вам эти ссылки на Википедию нужно Трампу послать, или хотя бы Хикс с Прибусом. Вы запись-то мою прочли?


ext_2946503 January 31 2017, 22:21:53 UTC
Did the statement mention 200,000 Romani people or 250,000 mentally and physically disabled people or 9,000 homosexual men? Should it have mentioned only Jews? Should it have included the whole list of groups of people that this UN day commemorates?
Can all those groups be referred to as "victims, survivors, heroes" without naming all of them explicitly?
(Personally, I don't care much for a day that UN suddenly decided to nominate 60 years after the Auschwitz liberation. Yom Ha Shoa on the other hand is solely dedicated to the Catastrophe and Heroism of European Jews and is commemorated on the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising).


yakov_a_jerkov January 31 2017, 22:26:55 UTC
То есть Вы со стейтментом OK. Понятно.


ddd_ddd January 31 2017, 14:11:14 UTC
Для справки: Трюдо (самый толерантный из всех Обам) систематически не упоминает евреев в речи в день Холокоста. У него, правда, братан-антисионист, в отличие от Трампа, о чём же это нам говорит? А, Яков?!


tijd January 31 2017, 15:29:04 UTC
Нам это говорит о том, что вы врете ( ... )


tijd January 31 2017, 20:15:19 UTC
Ваше враньё про "систематически" оставьте при себе.

В 2016 администрация Трудо немедленно извинилась и сказала, что отсутствие упоминания евреев было неумышленным.

The Prime Minister’s Office told us yesterday Trudeau’s initial statement was an incorrect draft issued in error.

The PMO said it took steps to correct this by putting out a tweet from Trudeau linking to his statement and citing the importance of fighting anti-Semitism, plus issuing a statement from Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Dion that prominently noted the death of six million Jews in the Holocaust.

Принципиальное отличие от Трампа ("the wording was intentional").


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