Please don't blame presidents for local summer gas prices. Governor Malloy and State legislators in both parties are to blame here, and I trust that the other 49 states have similar issues.
Back in 2014 I caught Governor Malloy in a lie right in a coffee shop, right in front of the New London Day newspaper, and he responded by dropping Groton's gas prices for 5 or 6 months. It was nice while it lasted. During his visit at Muddy Waters, Marc Frucht of Groton slipped Malloy a card with a list of gas prices, hoping he could inspire an investigation into price gouging.
"Right now we have the highest gas prices in the state," Frucht said.
"Maybe it’s worth investigating. He said he was going to look at it." Well now that gas prices are soaring again we all seem to be busy trying to blame either Donald Trump or Barak Obama.
I guess that's a natural first reaction. But if we think it through maybe cooler heads will prevail.
I'll leave all that behind this round, and ask the following rhetorical question.
How come New London CT's gas prices are so much higher than Grotons, and how come Groton's are higher than the rest of Connecticut?
10am 12may 2018 Cumberland Farms regular fuel.
Groton 2.89 /gal
New London 3.06
Weathersfield 2.97
Fairfield 3.11
Holy cow! It looks to me this time that Hartford is even gouging Fairfield and passing on the savings to Hartford and Groton. :P
Seriously though. Gas was 230 something in Groton a few months ago people. Will it go past 4 dollars this time? We managed to keep it from doing that the last time. I'm not even cautiously optimistic this time.