
Jun 25, 2003 21:11

Well, I don't think I've made use of this LiveJournal space at all since I started up. So I'm just sitting here alone at work plodding around on the Internet and searching for relevant cases to this restitution issue I'm supposed to be researching for a Judge in Department 17... exciting stuff, huh? So far this internship has been pretty interesting... looking at issues dealing with criminal law and felony charges. I'm not sure what area of law I'd like to go into, but this has been a great starting point.

For the summer I'm living in San Francisco since my internship here at the Hall of Justice is located in San Francisco... a bit far from my South Bay home in Cupertino. So far I haven't gotten out nearly as much as I should, but that's partly because I'm not getting paid for this internship... would anyone want to donate to the Steve Needs A Life Fund? :D For the most part, I've been trying to get some pleasure reading done and catch up on the movies that I have neglected to watch over the past year. Law school has been a real pain in the A$$, sucking all my free-time away. I hope the 2nd year doesn't suck as much! I think I'd jump off a bridge... NYC has 3... choices, choices... hehehe.

Hopefully, I'll update more... but that's it for now. Catch you guys around!
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