Since I don't want to bitch about how people suck (
spoothbrush has touched on that part), have a queued meme:
1. Are you a vegetarian? Vegan?
No. Feel free to avoid meat yourself, but please let me eat meat myself. Do not guilt-trip me about it, either.
2. What's your favorite food?
I can't be specific, but I'm a major pasta fan.
3. White bread or whole wheat?
White. Whole wheat usually has "there's lumpy things in it" syndrome. Yuck.
4. What's for breakfast?
Whatever I can find.
5. You're making a Dagwood sandwich. What's in it?
Chicken, turkey, salami, roast beef, interleaved with provolone, some spicy mustard and mayo. No veggies, please.
6. What's on your pizza?
Meat lover's special: any meat is OK, even ham, which I usually don't care for. If you're calling it meat, I haven't ever had anchovies, so can't say whether I'd prefer those on there or not.
7. Coffee, tea, milk, or soda?
Absolutely NOT coffee, because hot beverages are just not my *ahem* cup of tea. Iced tea is OK (but it has to be sweetened with SUGAR, not artificial sweetner). Skim milk is fine. I drink way more soda than I should, but have been cutting back gradually. Even one bottle is getting to be "too much."
8. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
Dark or milk. Never at the same time. White chocolate is just weird to me.
9. Teetotal, beer, wine, or hard liquor?
If I drink, I tend to go hard liquor cause it goes down better and can be mixed. After 2 years of being spoiled with proper beer in Germany, I'll NEVER drink the mass-produced shit coming out of the big three here. Despite my increasing frustration with office baloney, I've remained dry as a bone.
10. Does cilantro taste like citrus, or like soap?
I think it's MADE from soap. It's disgusting.
11. Is chorizo the greatest thing ever or is it totally disgusting?
I don't think I've ever had it, but seeing how it's sausage, I don't think I'll have any problem with it.
12. Do you use garlic like a vegetable or like a spice?
Spice. A little goes a VERY LONG way.
13. Onions: raw, cooked, or not at all?
Forget about it. Except as flavoring, they're disgusting.
14. Does broccoli taste sweet or bitter?
Broccoli is fine raw or cooked, but if it's cooked, it should at least be seasoned with pepper. I try to avoid drowning the stuff in fatty cheese sauces (because I love the fatty cheese sauces, and too much of that is the death of me). I hate the stems unless they're cooked properly. Stems by themselves are rubbish, not vegetables. How's that for not answering the question? ;o)
15. How do you feel about fish?
I would love to be able to cook more fish properly. I love seafood in general.
16. How about sushi?
As long as it's meat (or tamago) and rice, I'm good with it. The seaweed they use to make the stripe on tamago sushi is fine, too.
17. Fave ethnic cuisine?
Is "Wendy's" a cuisine? :oD Nah, actually, I don't really have a specific favorite, but Italian and Mexican rank highly.
18. What's your favorite fruit?
Oranges. I used to hate them as a kid because of the non-orange parts, like seeds and skin.
19. Cheese - thumbs up or thumbs down?
Up. Very up! It's my milk alternative. Cottage cheese, provolone, cheddar...
20. Finally, favorite dessert?
I love myself some cheesecake, and a proper lemon meringue pie works well, too.