Broken LJ
Looks like LJ have broken something (
they did, actually) in comment email notifications. I get something like the following for the heading now:
Club TechnoBOFH (yakko) replied to a [[sitenameshort]] comment in which you said:
Twitter and the Internal Server Error of Doom
Twitter seems to be randomly broken. Let sleeping, injured dogs lie for awhile, I guess...
American Community Survey
The Census Bureau sent me this really big survey. Most of the information they want can be had by just asking IRS for my 2007 tax return. Why do I have to repeat myself? They're the govt; they can go ahead and ask their buddies down the street for that stuff! Ah, but they don't know who lives here, apparently. So now I HAVE to fill this thing out (it's Federal law), including all the stuff they SHOULD be able to fill in themselves.
I guess it has to do with compartmentalization. It's par for the govt course to have information available only to the agencies that collected or demanded it.
And another thing: why do I have to fill it out on paper? I realize not everyone has the internet at their fingertips, but it'd save me having to fill this all out with that pen over there!