May 17, 2005 11:39
You know what's interesting to think about? Destiny, or fate. Or rather, if such a thing really exists.
I sometimes wonder about events that happen in peoples' lives, and wonder why people say that everything happens for a reason.
"Even if you don't know what that reason is, it's there," they say. How can you be so sure? How can anyone say that there's a set path for each of us, before we're even born, that we follow our whole lives? What would be the point of making decisions? You wouldn't have a real say to begin with, since your course is already plotted before you.
Some people say that your life is a path full of forks, and the life choices you make send you down the myriad intersections. What if you don't make the right decisions? Is there a "good" ending and a "bad" ending? Are there multiple good and bad outcomes?
For example, if you start dating someone, you've just picked a set path. What if you've selected the wrong path, and missed the person you were supposed to meet? I suppose that's more a question of soulmates. Does each person have more than one soulmate, or just one? If you miss that one, are you just fucked?
What about break-ups? If you're open to dating, there's a good chance you will suffer from a multitude of bad relationships, or just relationships that don't work for various reasons. You're still friends, but what if you lose faith? After suffering through enough unfulfilling endings, it's understandable if a person decides to just throw in the towel. Would he/she miss out on a potential great relationship? If so, why would his destiny put him through all of the previous relationships, just to miss out in the right one? Why not skip from point A to point C? Do we really need the experience and wisdom from point B, when the risk to not reach point C is so high?
Innocent people die every day. What could be the reason for this? As much as I think about it, I can't even begin to fathom why babies die. Or why mothers die, trying to give birth. Why bring a new life into the world without a mother? Speaking of which, why does the female body mature at such a young age? Some females gain the ability to conceive at the age of 10. Why?
I'll stop this rant now, but these are some of the things I wonder about sometimes. If "destiny" or "fate" really does exist, it has a very strange way of running things.