
Feb 11, 2010 22:55

 What a surprise! A few very interesting developments.....

So I'm still bumming around my apartment due to's been about a week now, time really can fly. Tomorrow though, American is reopening! I'll be proctoring exams (hopefully) and perhaps going to a happy hour with my lab group members. I've also been trying to get these tshirt designs finalized. Every time I think "ah yes, it's done!" I see something wrong and I have to fix it. I am running through ideas faster than jars of salsa and hot cocoa packets! I'll post the ideas when I'm done though, The few I have finished look pretty cool.  I digress...
I'm sitting around with Ace of Cakes on and I saw a commercial for the Walters Art Museum. They show the actual museum at the end and I say "Hey....that looks familiar..." Low and behold! It is the same museum I've been trying to find since I visited my junior year in high school! While at VT I really wanted to go back and visit again but I simply couldn't remember what it was called. It was actually my Latin teacher that took us there, not my art teacher. There was a special visiting exhibit from Greece on Roman sculpture, it was some of the most beautiful sculpture I'd ever seen. The also had many fine examples of pottery, sculpture from other regions around the world, and a very fine collection of Japanese art and metal work, including swords. I loved the place and am so excited to go back, perhaps since my weekend seems to be getting freer and freer, I'll go this weekend!  I'm even more excited because of my other recent discovery.

I just downloaded a new movie called Agora, with Rachel Weisz. I LOVE Rachel Weisz, though after finishing the movie I've decided that she more often than not makes me cry. I cried after The Constant Gardener, I cried after The Fountain, I cried after Agora....I didn't cry during the Mummy or Constantine to be fair....but that still counts for more often than not. So yes, this movie has some sad bits, but it is SO GOOD. Great philosophy, great acting, great story, wonderful script, I loved everything about it. If you get the opportunity (through legal means, of course! Which may be difficult since I just noticed that the release day is TBA 2010....) watch the movie.

So yeah, it seems that for Blizzard 2010 part 1, I got on a serious Native American kick (Watching Avatar, in which many of the voice actors are Native American, got me watching Dances with Wolves and Last of the Mohicans) and part 3 has got me on a Roman kick...which of course means my geeking out over the remake of Clash of the Titans until April 2nd. Aren't you excited?!?!?! PLEASE watch the first one before going to see the remake, there's always time for epic claymation....


movie, art

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