There was only a limited number of cats in the bag this time

Oct 31, 2013 21:22

First, I need to say the following:

Loki Loki Loki Loki LOKI!! LOKI!! L O K I !!!

We loved that movie. We totally loved it, and totally didn't understand why there was only a dozen people in the cinema. WTF Munich?? Where is your fandom?

So, to recapitulate, what Loki did is:
  • keep his bargain with Thor until they were done getting the Aether out of Jane
  • pretend to be killed in heroic sacrifice by a handy enemy
  • 'die' in Thor's arms, still very heroically
  • rely on Thor to be totally grief-stricken, not question his death, and get Jane away from the remaining handy enemies
  • wait
  • wait
  • wait
  • until finally the einherjar turn up
  • take the shape of a random harmless einherji as he had done before in his pillar walk of shapeshift (with added Captain America for the lulz -- oh Loki!)
  • as said einherji, go to Odin and tell him they found a body
  • do something with Odin that we didn't see, or didn't realise
  • take the shape of Odin
  • in the shape of Odin, sit on the throne and allow Thor to leave instead of taking over as king
  • shapeshift back into his 'own' shape for some good gloating
  • in Easter egg no. 1, take the shape of Sif and sell that red Infinity Gem (?) to that Collector under the pretext that it's unstable near the Tesseract, which is another Infinity Gem (the blue one, one would assume, duh)
  • more plans to be continued in Thor 3
  • while Thor is playing house on Earth with Jane (Easter egg 2).

That's not so complex -- it's positively straightforward! We don't yet know what he wants with the Infinity Gem in the hands of the Collector, though. Either he wants the Gem there to access its power through some connection in that precise place, or he wants something the Collector can give him in turn, to do -- whatever. We shall see.

Also, what a pity that Loki and Darcy once more didn't meet. They might have made the universe explode. Darcy, though, was mega-cool as it is. She's my second favourite character of the entire franchise.

And there was enough Loki in the Movie to justify calling it Thor 2 The Dark World: - Loki!

Crossposted to Dreamwidth and LJ -- comment wherever you like!

movies, loki

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