here -- brilliant photo essay]]
Here in Germany, we call them 'Wutbürger' (angry citizens): - people who have worked within the sytem for decades, have always paid their taxes and done well, wanted their kids to have a better life -- and then found themselves screwed over by banksters, corporations, and goverment. Here, the focus of that anger
sprang up around the prostests against the
Stuttgart 21 underground train station project, which the state government there
finally fell over in March.
What I can see there, in the Occupy Wall Street protests, is the same class of 'Wutbürger' coming out as they're fed up with the arrogance of banksters, corporations and govenment that screw them over. The English language picked up German words like kindergarten and realpolitik -- I suggest wutbürger as the next loan word to be imported!