(no subject)

May 11, 2011 11:50

When I first saw this, I thought 'Well, hee hee'; then I thought, 'Hey wait, saphyria and alchemistseraph  live there as well, and if anybody says they deserve tornadoes, I'll be up with an axe against them.

A related discussion erupted all over my corner of tumblr, with one lady especially chiming in again and again.

Now I wonder whether it might be the other way round: religious people are more likely to live/stay where there are tornadoes around because they believe God will preserve them, put them in the place where they ought to be, or generally are less driven to leave the place where they've got roots?

Basically, the Bible Belt is the Bible Belt because the non-bible-thumpers, statistically speaking, are more likely to move away out of reach of the tornadoes, and thus leave a significant percentage of religious people in those places?

But so not posting this whacky theory that on tumblr for the next round of general slammage. Tumblr can be so awfully earnest.

wild theories, blogging

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