RP musings

Oct 10, 2010 13:49

Now, it is always nice to wake up to other people's charries discussing yours.

Rarely do you get two whole 'zillas full of it. Well, the first one has other things as well, but is rather Urquhart-tinged, as he was the one to damage Gene that badly, and the name comes up again and again.

The threads with Dinah Lance are especially interesting, on both posts. One day, Urquhart will have to tell her that he neither loves nor cares about anybody as that is the way he works, though.

That doesn't stop him from dealing out bloody noses to people that insult 'his lady', of course. He enjoys Saffron, and Moist, and if anybody talks trash about them, Urquhart will be insulted and teach that person manners. Physically, if they don't shut up.

Same is true for MM!Urq, by the way. Should any random young orc around the City ever call Ruth a retard within Urq's earshot, that unfortunate critter will probably find himself in an alley soon after, being slapped repeatedly by a very large hand...

urquhart, rp, milliways

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