Special thanks to Gabby!

Mar 20, 2004 18:19

During the Wraeththu chat last weekend, I asked gabby_2600 via lydia2600 about logging in the Stone Inn, and he had her explain to me what I would have to do to log what I was talking in there with other people.

So, this weekened, we have achieved three fun and easy-to-do RPG logs for the discworld_rpg, two of them already up on the group journal, and the third in post-production. All of this entirely thanks to Gabby having a permanent and easily accessible IRC channel open on his server. A big Huzzah for the Java applet, port 6667, and E-Whore, the bot who keeps it open and never said a word during all of our loggage!!

discworld, we invented it, rp, geekery

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