We went into the second back courtyard today, the Nazgul and I, to take pictures of the wonderful datura suaveolens thornapple tree the Metropolitans have, and of the Nazgul's Quidditch type sports wear.
The plant, macro close-up.
The Nazgul's Quidditch apparel has two hoods.
Then, we went down to the Metropolitans to talk logistics, and admire their renovations. Suddenly, Falk the Metropolitan looked at the Nazgul strangely and asked, seriously, "I say, have you always been that short?"
I snerked mightily.-
In other news: I really do find fresh figs strangely sensual, not to say obscene, soft, velvety and gently rounded. The Nazgul protests they are perfectly chaste fruit. But then, the Nazgul swears Tibetan butter tea isn't salty...