Meltham 10K

Jan 25, 2009 12:26

First 10K race of 2009 and for an event that passes a mile or so from my house it was a lot bigger than i expected with loads there. Wow it was hard work.

Arrived a bit late as was worried about getting cold standing about. Wrong. It was quite mild considering it was snowing when i drove past a 1 this morning. Got my race number and was following every one out to the start line when I realised i was still waring my jacket, jogging bottoms and still had my wallet on me. D'oh. So quick run back to the car while trying to put my race number on (stabbing my fingers with the safety pins) and dump the jacket and wallet. Ran back to the start to find they had just started and where heading toward me! D'oh

Was running up the first steep hill and realised id forgotten to take my jogging bottoms off and that was why I was feeling rather warm.

The shin splints Id been suffering with since Monday weren't to bad when going up hill, I fact I had some power to get past people at times. But on the down hill section my legs really hurt and I couldn't lengthen my stride to pick up speed.

Still I ran the full distance, first time for the course. :D I think my time will be around the 60 min mark. But I don't really know as kinda didn't start at the same time as everyone else and tracking software on my phone didn't work properly.

Any way, target for my next run on the course will be sub 60 mins. Just need to recover from these shin splints.
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