My Love met me where I worked today. He had some breakfast and then when my shift ended we went out for a bit. We saw a movie, we walked around. He bought some cookies. Some mean boys insulted him, but what do they know. Stupid, ignorant boys.
I told him about Mummy firing Chie. He was sympathetic and thought it was very nice of me to give Chie her back pay. I tried to explain to him that it wasn't nice, it was just the right thing to do.
Speaking of Chie, she started training today and the manager told me I could train her. Wasn't that nice? She picks up things sooo fast. I know you're not supposed to give a trainer tables of her own, but by the end of the day, she was doing so well, I gave her three of my tables and let her keep the tips. I just stayed close by in case she had a question. She did wonderful! I'm thinking that by Friday, she'll be able to have a small section of her own. That's really good!
Anyway, after the movie and all,
My Love and I went to the park. We talked for awhile, and he told me how beautiful he thinks I am. Wasn't that sweet of him? I was so touched. Because I know he thinks I'm not just beautiful, for what I am on the outside, but for who I am on the inside as well. And that means the most of all.
I mean, even Scarlet is beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, she's ugly as sin.
I'm getting so excited, thinking about school starting soon. I just can't wait!
But, I realized today, I haven't been up to help
Karin clean the tower lately . Poor kitty, he hasn't said a word either. Karin, would you like some help tomorrow? Maybe I could make lunch for you and
My love too? I promise, nothing too spicy! Maybe just some simple hamburgers?