Coo Coo Ka Choo!

Apr 16, 2006 02:24

Jesus where is the time going? This past week seemed to fly by. Too much work, not enough fun.
Well, as always, since last time not much has changed. As mentioned, a lot of work. When I'm not at work I'm with Sam. I lead an exciting life sometimes.
Well, hey Sam and I are going to to St. Louis for a couple days during Memorial Day week. Gonna catch a Cardinals game, spend some time with the family, and other things that I don't know are scheduled. At least it'll be more than a really long overnight visit like last time.
We also booked our hotel for the Dells in August. Which brings me to my next question of...who's coming with? The invitation has been thrown out there, but no one responded at all. Positive or negative. Joe? Bill? Anyone? Just find a cheap hotel for a couple days! It's gonna own souls. You know it'll bring more stories for years to come. We know Sam's friend Claire is coming for sure and that'll be sah-weet. Claire = good people.

I think that's all I got for right now. I should be in bed anyway. It's cool though as I can sleep in tomorrow. Have a good Easter everyone. Eggs, candy, and ham! *shrug*
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