I have written XMFC fic of highly dubious moral character
here. Heed the warnings, my friends!
Next up, more UB fic*, and then the big XMFC/X-trilogy melding fic that will somehow fix X3! Also dinner.
*Have I previously mentioned that, in my copious spare time this year, I've written 150K words of an Ugly Betty virtual fifth season? Just FYI.
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(Not to be nitpicky, but you really need a German proofreader for German sentences included for flavor. I have no idea what your sentence "Ich habe von dir so viele Gedanken." was supposed to mean, but it does not make sense. It is not grammatically wrong as such, though the order is a bit odd, but it is a phrasing you use if you have stuff that belongs to someone else in your possession and that doesn't make much sense with thoughts to say, unless you are a telepath maybe, e.g. you could say "Ich habe von dir so viele Bücher." to mean that you have a lot of books from them. You can see how the equivalent with thoughts does not really work. In general to translate the English "to have thoughts" as "Gedanken haben" in German is very awkward, because you just use the verb "denken" then or you can say "sich Gedanken machen" if the noun is important to have (the sense then is a bit more on the process, like "pondering"). So if the sentence was supposed to express something like "I have thought of you often." it would be "Ich habe oft an dich gedacht." or if it was that he often wondered what became of Erik, it might be "Ich habe mich oft gefragt, was aus dir geworden ist." If you'd like to run any future German you might need by a native speaker, I can offer that, though I couldn't guarantee 1940s or 1960s accuracy in time-specific idioms/slang.)
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