Finally complete! It just kept getting longer on me.
(That's what she said! ::rimshot::)
Herein you will find links to
Chapter Three and
Chapter Four, which completes our tale.
Part Four also counts as my fill for the
hc_bingo prompt "Fighting."
So very much not done with this 'ship.
Still sick as a dog, though today I can (a) sit upright, (b) concentrate occasionally and (c) talk for reasonable amounts of time. It's progress!
ETA: OK, in a long fic (let's say circa 40K words), of angsty/actiony bent, would three (3) emotional slow dancing scenes be too many? One is slash, one is het, and one is really mostly platonic but kind of heterowistful (wow, the words you need in fandom.) One would be perceived primarily in flashback.