I think
elynross has
said what I'm thinking about the latest strikeout business. I have backups at GJ and IJ, but for now I'm just waiting to see what happens, fandomwide.
Now, onto the fannish stuff:
What five character deaths affected you the most?
Cut for spoilers:
Jack Bristow: I strongly debated whether or not to put this here, not because it didn't make me cry like a little girl (it did), but because I really, really have difficulty accepting that he's dead. "Alias" is the fandom that best rewards denial, after all.
X: He wasn't most people's favorite informant on "The X-Files," but I always thought he was cool as hell, and the sheer bad-assery with which he died (scrawling cryptic indictments in his own blood) has really stayed with me.
Sito Jaxa: "Lower Decks" was one of my favorite TNG episodes, and it was scary how much I bonded with this character after an episode and a half. There were always rumors she would be revived -- found in a Cardassian prison camp, perhaps -- and I wanted that very badly.
Mr. Eko: My original sweet baboo! I cried even harder for Eko than for Jack, probably because of that scene of Eko and his brother walking together as children. I'm getting kinda choked up just thinking about it now. Oh, Mr. Eko.
April Green: In this case, it was less a case of deep attachment to the character, though I did like her, than it was of me going, Damn, this show means business now. Early in the season, "Jericho" had pulled its punches; now it had just killed the pregnant lady. I'd already noticed the show's sharp uptick in quality, but that really brought it home and got my attention.
Honorable mentions: Nadia Santos, Irina Derevko, Jenny Calendar, Jadzia Dax, Gul Dumar, K'Ehylar, Sirius Black, Dobby.
drabbles I promised Wednesday are almost all posted, and the rest will be there before too much longer. Enjoy!