The weekend was a weirdly melancholy thing, despite a very enjoyable brunch with the delightful
midorinomizu and a party with
geekturnedvamp and
veredus (the alcohol from which was soaked up later in a diner visit with
harrietspy). Perhaps it did not help greatly that I chose to watch "Angels in America" on Saturday, though I cannot regret this as I was blown away by it. (I'd seen "Millennium Approaches" on stage, but never "Perestroika". Repetition only increases the blown-away factor.) I still feel strangely disassociated from things today.
That said, all is well. The new office is settled-into. Potential brush fires at the job have been stamped out. The latest of the 87,000 plot holes I have somehow woven into my post-finale Alias story is now fixed. I continue.
The meme of the day -- and I've done variations on this before, so perhaps there will be no takers, but I thought it might be worth a spin:
Ask me anything you want about any of my stories: how I thought of the idea, what I did to write it, what I was thinking when I wrote it, what I feel about it now, what I wish I'd done differently, etc. Or ask any of the characters from particular stories something you want to know, and get an answer from them. Or both.
Speaking of stories,
thedaytheystop, stories are even now being pinch-hit written for you for the Dearly Departed ficathon. And tomorrow, the sign-ups begin for the Aliases Ficathon! Watch this space.