Make your move

Aug 23, 2004 20:51

The following are your options of where to eat on Wednesday. Please vote once and only once. If you decide to vote twice, your vote will be disqualified, unless deemed otherwised by me, if it is a choice i like then you can vote as much as i want. hehe.

___ Fridays

___ Wilt Chamberlin's

___ Chili's

___ Panera Bread

Please remember that we will be meeting at 8pm. It is at this time because just before I will be going to purchase my new Powerbook and Ipod...mwuahahaha.

Also side note...I just was told this about my internship at the DSCC by a friend who is very involved politicall and knows much more than i do....."that is a very good call on your part. one of the best interships out there in my opinion. The dscc is where a lot of the country's best operatives get their start. you'll be working with people who will be running campaigns in the next cycle, and there are some pretty good races this year."

How freakin awsome is that!!!! I can't wait!!!!
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