A little inspiration goes a long way...

Jul 26, 2004 23:28

Watching the way in which the Democratic National Convention commemorated the atrocities of September 11th brought about many thoughts and emotions inside of me. The woman who spoke that lost a daughter, son-in-law, and unborn grandchild spoke from the deepest of emotions. She spoke of the unfortunate and horrific events that were caused by September 11th, but at the same time caused our nation not to be one of individuals but to be one cohesive society looking out for the safety of their fellow Americans. For one day, each citizen of this nation put down their animosity and hostility of others to form a unified front against the defilement of a terrorist regime that dampened the lives of many people. Yet those terrorists did not foresee a reaction brought about by the American people. The people of the United States of America formed camaraderie before the eyes of a destructive and tyrannical terrorist organization. We stood strong against their goals to hurt the energy and unity our democratic nation stands for.

We come to a point in time where we must put aside the grips of partisan deadlock and work towards a cohesive government and society, where the interests of the many are held in higher esteem than those of the few. We must forget the defilement of hate and death and look forward to the bright lights of progress. One can only learn from the mistakes they made and not continue to dig a hole of despair and disassociation. We must learn to look forward to a unified society geared towards the preservation and betterment of an ever growing and ever living world. Only through proper leadership can we hope to guide our nation and world to associate themselves not through their divisions but direct their connections through peace and prosperity.

John Kerry and John Edwards are men of valor and esteem. They have dedicated their lives to public service and to the betterment of our world. Their vision holds strong in the eyes of their party and of their nation. With the support of us, their constituents we can foresee a future bright in scope. May it be to focus on healthcare, education, fiscal responsibility, and most importantly the security of our nation, it must be done together under a unified front and a dedicated leader. We must move past the downfalls our nations has been subject to during the past administration and fight for the rights, security, and truth that we deserve.

The Bush Administration continually lies to the American people. It has lied about reasons for invading Iraq, leading to the deaths of over 1000 soldiers. We’ve lost a hold on our economy, lost sight of our nation’s healthcare, and lost sight of the responsibility to provide our nation’s youth with an adequate education to survive in the world today. If the Bush Administration is allowed to continue its wrath of deceit and misinformation over the American people, then I fear for our nation’s future and its ability to allow the American people the liberties and opportunities they deserve.

I look at our country today and see many who want to see someone take action and represent their ideals of what they feel it is to be an American, but have had trouble finding such a leader. I see John Kerry as that man who can lead our nation out of the political, social, and economic downfall our country has been subject to, due to the irreverence of the Bush administration and its faulty policies. With the encouragement of his party and now an ideal running mate in Senator John Edwards, Kerry has all the pieces of the puzzle in place to take back the White House for the Democratic Party and most importantly the American People. I feel I owe it to our country to take action and give all of myself to something and someone that I believe can truly make a difference.

Each and every one of us should give something of ourselves to what we believe in, no matter whether it is political or not. We can not stand idly by as indecencies and atrocities flood our nation and our world. We are the future of this country. We are the leaders of tomorrow. Starting to make a change now for the better will only help our efforts in the future. Our lives and well being are set solely in our own hands and it is time to take charge and fight for the privileges and liberties that we deserve.
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