(no subject)

Oct 25, 2009 13:03

Wow livejournal, it's been a super long time since I wrote, so much has happened.

Let's see, the biggest thing is my Dad's passing. I think it was march or april when he had surgery and they found a bunch of little tumor spot things all over and said there was really nothing that could be done. From then he went downhill pretty quickly, he mostly laid in bed or on the couch, he was so weak. when it got to the point where he could barely sit up in bed, we took him to Hospice. It was a very hard and sad thing for my family to do, but i think it was for the best. Lots of people came to visit him there, even though he could barely talk, and they took really good care of him. After a day or two of him being in Hospice, I got out of work one night and talked to my mom who was there, she said he was doing fine and I talked her out of sleeping on the couch in his room. I was getting into bed when she called me back and said there was a change and the nurse said we should say our goodbyes. My mom and I were with him when he went, and I'm thankful for that. He passed away on May 29, the day that Reuben was realeased from the Marines, although he didn't make it back in time. Linda, Ben, Uncle Chuck, Aunt Pat, Chip and Ron all came out when they heard, even though it was about 1 am, it was a very close time.

It seems so wierd that he is gone, more so the longer it is. The memorial service was very nice, Reuben and I both talked briefly, and it was good to have all his friends around to remenisce. I learned a lot that I didn't know about him.

This is what I read at the memorial service:

My dad and I had our own special tradition in the summertime. Almost every night after dark, we would go to the city beach, vacant and peaceful by that time, and slip into the dark water. There was nothing better for us after a long hot day than the cool water, the gentle rocking waves, and the stars above, that's why I chose this poem.


by: Alfred Tennyson

SUNSET and evening star,

And one clear call for me!

And may there be no moaning of the bar,

When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,

Too full for sound and foam,

When that which drew from out the boundless deep

Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,

And after that the dark!

And may there be no sadness of farewell,

When I embark;

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place

The flood may bear me far,

I hope to see my Pilot face to face

When I have crost the bar.

RIP -- I love you Dad!

Since then my family has been working hard to get things cleaned up and taken care of. My mom has been sorting through endless boxes of lock hardware and things that my dad collected and stored. We are making good progress, but there is A LOT more to go. We are trying to get our house on Beacon Blvd. cleared out to sell, Reuben is remodeling the house, and mom and I tore the porch off the house I am getting. It started with just reroofing the porch, but it turned into a complete rebuilding, down to the cynder block foundation, which I am re-laying right now. It's crazy but exciting!

I've gotten so close to the people I work with over the last couple of months! Niki and Katie are the best, Curt is like a brother, and Rob and I are dating. We have some pretty rockin Friday night adventures together, even if we do get into trouble sometimes. I love our trips to Hooters with Christy, and our walk-in meetings (bring your forks!) haha. Good times.

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