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Apr 13, 2008 14:06

Oh my, what can I say? Life has been pretty great lately!

I really really really like the people I work with. We just have so much fun, and now I even hang out with them outside of work. Last night I went to Heather's house to play Guitar Hero and spend the night. I'm really grateful to have such awesome friends. Also, my bosses are so nice, like they really care about me. Twice they have asked me to work when i had other plans and, even though i said i would work, they understood how important the other things were to me and let me go.

School is almost over and i cannot wait for summer! I had an english paper due on tuesday, so naturally i stayed up till 5:30 writing it. Then i had to get up and drive my parents to the train station at 6 (they are going to California to visit Reuben before he deploys). After that I went strait to english class which, I found out when i got there, was canceled. It's all good though.

I have the house to myself right now, and it pretty much rocks. Spontaneous dance parties in my living room, glorious bubble baths, and sunny naps in the hammock. What else can i say? This is just a taste of what my summer is going to be like. I am planning on living at my grandma's house a lot this summer. I am so excited! It's so peaceful and lovely, and kinda transcendental.

I had an awesome day on Friday, I went to Chicago with the art department at MCC with Sarah and Katie. We went to a couple of museums, including the oriental museum which has a lot of assyrian and bablonian stuff from Iraq, which is my favorite period of art. It was so cool to see stuff that i studied in art history in person, and to think about how ancient it is. I wrote my research paper for art history on the Ishtar Gate, and i got to see part of it, that was my favorite part of the day.


We also walked around and had some sweet adventures. We went to millenium park and saw the bean, we ate lunch at this little, delicious spanish restaurant that we stumbled into, Las Tapas, and we ate dinner at Gino's East. It was just a sweet day.
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