Step 1: Put your media player on random (in this case I used my iPod, since it is the most representative of what I listen to regularly)
Step 2: Post the first line(s) of the first 15 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone guess what song and artist the lines come from. (A few of these are covers- bonus points for guessing both the original artist and the artist who recorded the version to which I listen.)
1. In a sea of faces, in a sea of doubt
2. Z, Y, X, Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T
3. So you've been to school for a year or two and you know you've seen it all
4. Am I dreaming? No. Where am I? In bed? Well what am I doing?
5. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs.
6. This moment's brought to you by love.
7. Let's get lost. Fingers burst.
8. Another fight on the street below, They've got things to prove.
9. We are no longer now relying on our instincts, Christian terror telling everybody what to think
10. We passed upon the stair, we spoke of was and when
11. I love little girls, they make me feel so good
12. My life is brilliant... What, was I too early?
13. Oh, Björk, Björk, were you brought by the stork?
14. Here comes Johnny Yen again
15. One Saturday I took a walk to Zipperhead