Mike Case, Professional Scribe

Apr 23, 2006 15:38

I don't know how many of you saw this (BTW, thanks, bushmills, for pointing it out to me), but I got the contract.

The couple happened to win a trip to Victoria this weekend, so I picked it up from them yesterday and got it back to them today. The ketubah they needed work on is this one (it looks better in real life- the reddish/purplish bits are actually more of a lilac).

I got to do both Hebrew and English calligraphy on it- it's my first time doing any Hebrew calligraphy. Because of the learning curve involved in working in an alphabet and language with which I am unfamiliar, it probably took me a little longer than the 2 hours I charged them for, but it was worth it for the experience (and besides, they were so pleased they paid me extra anyway).

I was so inspired by the various ketubot I found while doing research for this project that I've added a few books on the subject to my Amazon Wish List; I might want to get into making them myself. (Some of them are really beautiful- check out these and these.)

Here is what the text block looked like when I got it:

And here it is with the calligraphy completed:

Just the Hebrew section, before and after:

And the English section, before and after:

art, calligraphy

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