Bad Ab

Feb 27, 2006 08:58

I had a great time at the party on Saturday night (for those not from 'round here, it was a dual birthday party with a fetish theme). There was a hell of a lot of sexy packed into that house, some of it much too young. It's a good thing I was dressed as a schoolboy, or I would have felt old.

I got to catch up with people, and spend some time in the hot tub, and dance, and ogle. I realized one of the things I love about this group of people- at one point I made a joke about Malacandrans, and had utter confindence that at least a few of the people listening would get it.

The only down side is that since the party, my stomach muscles have been really sore. Like "too many sit-ups sore", or "spent the week with a cough" sore. I can't figure out why: I did some dancing, but probably less than I normally do at those parties, and I didn't bust any particularly ab-intensive moves.


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